Brain shakers from watching the Gilligan's Island marathon

First, the disclaimer at the beginning of nearly every episode. Come on, Programmers, we know it’s dated and cringeworthy. Why do you think we’re so stupid?

Headhunters? In the 1960s. Not sure that was happening.

Why does Gilligan and Skipper only have one set of clothing and Ginger has a Hollywood wardrobe? Not to mention the Howell’s closet. Lovey did you really need a mink in the south Pacific?

Of course everyone knows about the batteries in the radio and the food situation. But great Apes? On an Island?

Where was the fresh water coming from? I don’t remember.

Why didn’t the Professor concentrate on the S.S.Minnow? He invented lots of things that could of made it float. Remember that great glue?

Where did they go to the bathroom?

Shouldn’t Maryanne have been wearing more coverage? She wasn’t even sunburned, at all.

They got an awful lot of traffic from off island. You think someone would of blabbed eventually.


This is why it’s never been remade. See also I Dream Of Jeannie. They are both shows that, if you even tried to think about their plots for more than a minute, would completely fall apart.

Because he was stuck on an island with two beautiful women that wouldn’t have given him the time of day back in the real world. On the island though, his only competition was a surly skipper and his idiot first mate.

We need to redo the show in the same way they redid Battlestar Galactica - make it dark, grim, more realistic.
The professor would be the most important person on the island, the Howells subservient to everyone else, the Skipper would have immediate health problems due to age and physique.

But keep the head hunters.

They went to the bathroom in bamboo outhouses built by Gillian and kept clean by Maryann. There was a private one (two?) for the Howells and everyone else shared one.

I had no idea about the trigger warning/advisory (I assume this is because of the way natives are portrayed?) so I googled and learned the same warning is shown before the Brady Bunch. So I’m trying to remember what the problem was there.

Gilligan and Skipper did have several sets of clothing; they were just all the same outfit. They were precursors to modern tech billionaires who always wear the same outfit to avoid making unimportant decisions. That’s why their clothes always looked clean and brand new, not filthy and tattered.

The glue was only great for a short time. Then it not only failed, I believe it caused the entire boat to fall apart. I think the Professor was a much better engineer than a biochemist.

And Gilligan would play the fool to stay under the radar, while secretly pulling the strings and manipulating everybody the whole time in Machiavellian fashion.

I remember, back in the early days of the internet, reading a hilarious synopsis of Gilligan’s Island as Mr. Howell actually being a drug kingpin who wrecked the SS Minnow deliberately to hide his money and avoid arrest/prosecution for his crimes until the statute of limitations runs out.

The Skipper and his lackey Gilligan are hired henchmen who are being paid to sabotage any escape attempts.
Mrs. Howell is his partner in crime but also has a massive cocaine habit.
Ginger is ther washed up actress and Howell’s drug-addled side piece.
“The Professor” is his drug chemist and manufacturer. He is not actually a scientist but got that nickname in prison.
Mary Ann who was actually an undercover agent trying to collect evidence and find out where the Howell’s hid the money.
Almost all the visitors are are part of Mr. Howell’s organization who visit the island to keep Mr. Howell’s criminal empire running in his absence.
Even the radio DJ is in on it and relaying messages to Mr. Howell.
Some of the weirder episodes are, in fact, results of The Professor’s tests of new formulas on the other castaways, particularly Gilligan who is basically a human monkey.

There was more…and I wish I could take credit for it but I’ve never watched the show the same again!

Chemistry is what he was a professor of. Most of his engineering comes not from his professional skills, but from his experience as a scoutmaster.

Well, you know who Mrs. Brady’s first husband was, right?

Wow, I was just making an offhand joke, but I bow to your superior GI knowledge.

Seeing that he wrote a book called “Fun with Ferns,” you’d think he would be a botany professor.

Eh, no odder than an optics professor who’s written a book on the mythological Medusa.

A Very Brady Sequel implies it was the professor. However, Florence Henderson has said in interviews that Carol “got rid of him” (killed him). Since Florence was the original Carol, I trust her opinion to be the more accurate version. :slight_smile:

It’s not said on the show, but I would speculate that Ginger was only visiting Hawaii, had checked out of her hotel, took the boat trip (expecting only a three-hour tour) and was planning to fly back to the mainland that night. It’s only natural she would have her luggage with her.

I don’t know from disclaimers (what does it say? “Watching this show will make you stupid?”) but there are as far as I can tell only two episodes skipped in the recent marathons. And they both had Vito Scotti as the Japanese soldier. And those were the ones I wanted to see! (The second is a Rashomon episode where everyone recounts their versions of the first one.)

Sure, Scotti’s take on a Japanese solider was offensive in many ways. But was he that bad?

In college, one of my friends had a book about Gilligan’s Island (I think it was The Unofficial Gilligan’s Island Handbook) that had descriptions of each episode, noting that with what was invented in this episode could be combined with what was invented in that episode to get them off the island.

And I remember something, perhaps on Usenet, that matched each character to one of the seven deadly sins. I think Ginger represented lust, while Mr. Howell represented greed and so forth.

What disclaimer is this? I don’t recall any disclaimer from watching the reruns after school when I was a kid. Maybe we were just smarter then and didn’t need disclaimers.

I don’t remember anyone going to the bathroom in 1960’s TV. I thought going to the bathroom hadn’t been invented yet.

Done. Triangle of Sadness. Minor changes.

Hmmm…The Skipper would have to be Wrath. The Professor, Pride. Since Mr. Howell is a natural for Greed, Mrs. Howell would probably be its spiritual cousin, Gluttony. Not a perfect fit, but let’s say she’s symbolically gluttonous because she can’t get enough of nice clothes, jewelry, and other finer things in life.

Mary Anne was a bit tougher. I’d have to say Envy, since there was the episode where she bonked her head and thought she was Ginger, having a secret wish to be her.

That of course leaves slacker Gilligan with Sloth.

They did that already, it was called Lost.

Well, except for the “more realistic” part.

All four times she’s been mentioned in this thread have different spellings. (@Sparky812 is the one who got it right, by the way.)