BRAND New BLINDS shouldn't break!


So my mother bought me these really lovely new venetian blinds. They’re metal, sort of a steel blue color-that looks GREAT with my room.

As most of us know, new blinds, especially venetian blinds, tend to be a bit stiff and stick from time to time until you break them in.

However, to break them in, one shouldn’t have to BREAK them!

They get stuck a lot-and the two sides get uneven. A small, gentle tug at the bottom of the blinds should NOT snap the cord holding the sticks together. So now, brand new, lovely blinds-ruined.


Half the time they get crooked, they don’t open right, there’s a special way you have to tug them…absolute and total pain in the ass!

Does she still have the receipt? Take 'em back, babe, you’re right, they’re not supposed to do that.

I hope so, I bloody well hope so.

Dammit, they’re cute, too.

My new blinds broke, but I bought them at Lowe’s for $7.00

I didn’t expect much from them.
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