Breakaway bar to be discontinued

I’m not familiar with them. Any good? Did I miss a neat treat?

It’s apparently more of a UK thing. And, in looking that up, I found that apparently Aldi has an equivalent that is being pushed as saving it.

Your thread title could have benefited from words like “Nestle” and/or “candy bar”.

The breakaway bars I’m familiar with are part of towing equipment for heavy vehicles.

I thought that this would be about some local bar closing that people go to take a break from all their worries.

That’s what I thought, too, except I thought it was some generic term I’d never heard of for a bar where you go specifically to drown your sorrows, particularly after the breakup of a relationship or marriage. I didn’t know it was also towing equipment! :wink:

It’s the designated structural weak link that will fail in overload before something else more expensive fails instead.

I, for 2 seconds, thought it said “Beckdawrek ban”

It’s like a Zoom breakout room, but when you really need to get away.

Stick that observation in the “misread thread titles” thread.

Exsqueeze me, baking powder

Speaking as an ignorant Yank, what’s the difference between a Breakaway bar and a Kit Kit bar?