You can get ricin poisoning from inhaling. The plastic cap would melt first, and how many smokers can tolerate plastic fumes? Granted, a kid as young as Brock are stupid and impressionable enough to puff through the pain.
[del]Last week was the best episode ever[/del]
This week was the best episode ever
For the last, what, 4, 5 maybe 6 episodes, maybe even the entire season we’ve watched Walt get worse and worse. He’s become more and more delusional. Coming up with these grand schemes about how Gus is out to get him and every nice thing he does for Jesse is actually a plot against him…and now this, now we have to wonder if maybe he’s been right all along, maybe all this time we’ve been wrong to doubt him and as more and more of us have been switching over to Team Jesse we should have stuck with Team Walt. OTOH that could be just a nice coincidence and the writers want us to think that…I’m so confused.
I loved the way Walt managed to convince Jesse how his logic was screwed up. I loved how the scene was written, directed and acted sooo well, that even with another episode plus a another full extended season coming up I actually thought that Jesse might pull the trigger. I really didn’t know what was going to happen.*
It was close enough to the end of the cigarette that he would have noticed it right away. Also, he’s been moving that lucky cigarette from pack to pack for probably (based on ‘breaking bad time’) at least a carton by now. There’s no way he would have smoked it by accident without lighting it by accident. Even if he did, he would have known what happened to him.
*Of course, I don’t want to spoil a different show so I won’t name it, but after that show killed off a main character in the penultimate season I won’t put it past another show to do that as well.
Poisoning Brock doesn’t seem like a smart plan for Gus. He knows that Walt and Jessie aren’t talking to each other, so how is Jessie supposed to come to the conclusion that Walt took his cigarette? What if Saul never called Jessie? Then there would be no way for Walt to take the cigarette.
I think Walt poisoned Brock. The plan seems too sloppy for Gus.
I’ve assumed all along that Gus was trying to turn Jesse against Walt. I thought that was obvious.
Why else stage the fake attack at the drop site and have Jesse save the day?
Why bother taking Jesse down to Mexico when any one of Gus’s stooges could have played the part, considering they were just going to slaughter the cartel people anyway?
It was all done to make Jesse think that he had won Gus’s confidence. Having him think that was necessary to turn him.
But Jesse had it that morning and didn’t have it at the hospital and Walt hadn’t seen him all day. It would be a pretty big coincidence if Walt poisoned him AND he lost the cigarette.
I have to wonder why Gus (assuming it was Gus) would do it that way. The only thing I can assume is that it was to send a message to Jesse to let him know that he knew he had the poison.
Also, when we first saw Walt on the roof, the first thing I noticed was the red reflective coating on the binocular lenses. Is it fair to assume that’s what Gus saw as well? I wish they would have given us some idea as to what gave him pause. I like the idea of Gus being ten steps ahead (and the idea of Walt and Jesse eventually out smarting him) what I don’t like when the writers occasionally give him superpowers.
So, if the doctors know it was Ricin poisoning, will Homeland Security soon be involved? Will they be questioning Andrea as to how she knew to mention ricin to the doctors? Will she crack and mention Jesse?