Just saw it last night. These last few episodes have been pretty slow, but they’ve set up the action for the rest of the season quite nicely. Especially how Walt and Jesse have simultaneously found themselves in situations that will drive them back to making meth. They both have other options, but they’ll both choose to go back to it.
Well, I guess Walt doesn’t actually have another option, but he doesn’t know it.
I like how we also learned some more of the backstory, like how Danny Trejo’s head ended up on the back of that turtle, who Tio really is, and we also met the boss of the operation and learned how Gustavo, the Cousins, and Tio are connected.
Speaking of which, Gus is continuing to be one of the most fascinating characters on the show. I always want to see more of him. The scene with him preparing for the meeting was so telling (and darkly funny.)
(Etiquette for drug cartel meetings: Serve h’ors d’oeuvres. Crudite is always a good choice. And if one of your guests can only communicate by ringing a bell, make sure you have a spare bell at the ready.
I’m not sure people are “cheering Skylar on” at all. I think people are sympathetic to her plight and her actions are more defensible, and certainly more understandable than Walt’s. She’s in a tough spot. People don’t like her, but they feel for her.
Take her keeping the kids away from Walt as an example. That’s an awful thing to do. But her reasons make sense. And little does she know that her fear of exposing her kids to “the criminal element” is MORE than justified!
The only person who we’ve been able to be unfailingly sympathetic to is Walter Jr. His minor transgressions are totally excusable given the circumstances. But I feel like the other shoe is waiting to drop. So here’s a question for you all to speculate on: Is Walter Jr. going to break bad, and if he does, how?
I think he’s going to. And he’s not going to get into doing meth. That would be too obvious, and I think he’s too smart for that anyway. Though it would be interesting if he got into some small-scale dealing!