Breaking Bad 5.04 "Fifty-One" Aug. 5, 2012

Yeah, we don’t want to go there.

But if Walt Jr. wasn’t around, Skyler could just take Holly and leave. Or kill Walt and leave.

Most of what you’d want to know about the Aztek: Breaking Bad Wiki.

Will anyone ever actually ingest the ricin? Stay tuned.

That was what made me think he was referring to the two drug dealers Walt ran down to save Jessie.

Lydia is such a nut. I love watching her nuttiness, yet at the same time I can’t wait for her to die.

I was a bit perplexed about the watch and its significance beyond feeding Walt’s ego. When Jesse gave it to him, it seemed like an odd gift - why would he give him a watch? Is that really something a middle-aged man with gobs of cash would need? And then the intense ticking of the watch in the last shot… I was thinking it could be some kind of bomb/camera/tracking device. Whatever it is there seems to be more to it.

I don’t think so. Jesse just wanted to get Walt something nice and probably noticed that he didn’t have a nice watch.

The ticking time bomb thing was an analogy, not literal. A nice watch is a fairly common and generic gift - no reason to suspect Jesse planted a death ray in there. OR MAGNETS, BITCH.

Time is running out.

No. It’s what a 20-something ex-drug addict meth cooker THINKS a middle-aged former teacher now meth mentor would need.

Yeah OK, I guess I wasn’t thinking about the analogy at first but now it seems obvious. Also seems obvious with Skyler smoking again and the talk of Walt killing her and making it look like a suicide that the ricin cigarette will probably be the instrument of her death.

ETA: Although of course that would raise suspicion if there was a toxicology report. I don’t know how but I’m sure the ricin cigarette is gonna get used on her.

Dean Norris (Hank) is being interviewed on NPR’s Fresh Air right now.

He gives away what might be a minor spoiler when he says there will be a “chilling” scene involving baby Holly. But so far, that’s the only spoiler-y thing he’s shared, and it’s not specific. Might even be a play on words.

Anyone else think Dean Norris has lost some weight? His face looks thinner, and there’s some loose skin under his chin.

Yes. I was wondering whether it was for in-character purposes (his long recovery) or whether for real-life purposes.

Well, the ricin isn’t in cigarette form anymore, just the little tube. I mean, it could be put into another cigarette, but if he’s going that route he might as well put it in her coffee.

That was just the storage form, anyway. Nobody thought that Jesse was going to have to figure out a way to make Gustavo smoke the thing.

The delivery of the ricin was never supposed to be via a cigarette. That was just the hiding place for it. That ricin was in a glass capsule and not intended to be smoked. Jesse was supposed to get it out of the cigarette and slip it into a drink or something. The chain smoking was just to show that Skyler was a bundle of nerves and just doesn’t give a shit anymore.

That ricin may well be used at some point or maybe the writers are screwing with us. I don’t know about it being used on Skyler though. Once they do a toxicology screen, Walt would be under serious suspicion.

I believe that the last couple of ticks was the sound of a gun being cocked. At least, that’s what it sounded like to me.

Heh. I was amused at how much less I like Mike now that he’s decided (for the second time) to murder a frightened woman. Of course, he’d say I’m being sexist, and he’d be absolutely right. :slight_smile: Still, though - that’s pretty dark.

She tried to have Mike killed and threatened to kill 12 more of his men, who he felt protective over. He was totally justified in killing her the first time. And he was nice enough to give her a second chance - so he’s even more justified in killing her the second time.

He’s right - if we were talking about some gruff 50 year old man, you wouldn’t give a second thought to killing him.

Well, at first I was thinking the ricin wouldn’t work, since it would probably be found in any autopsy and would look like murder. I was thinking it would be something like Skyler got a prescription for some sleeping pills since she’s been having trouble lately, and Walt tragically finds her after she had too many pills and maybe drowned in the tub or the pool. That might look suspicious, but it would be possible to pull off.

But the ricin could be used if Skyler just disappeared. She’s been acting erratic, so people might think it’s plausible that she just ran away to get away from her problems, or that she ran away somewhere to kill herself. Suspicion would still fall on Walt, but it would be hard to prove anything if she just left the house one day and was never heard from again (because she was killed by ricin and dissolved in a bucket of chemicals).

Ah, 3 pieces of bacon this time…no crazy theories allowed this time.

And putting out the first cigarette into Walt’s “51” birthday coffee mug. The Wiki also leads that the significance of “51” is that where he somehow managed to keep things even keeled between Walt/Heisenberg at 50/50, “51” is where Heisenberg will be the majority shareholder (49/51) from here on out in everything he thinks and does…Walt will no longer have control from here on out. And the symbolism of Skyler putting her cigarette out in the “51” cup has taken on a new meaning…maybe (a hidden spoiler?) she’s the one who snuffs out Heisenberg? I know that the beginning of him celebrating his 52nd throws a wrench into my idea, but then again…maybe not.

Hank will always have his finger on the case, and I think Gomez will lead the Fring case and will reliably supply Hank all the details.

But, I just can’t see Hank cracking the case until the very last or second to last episode OR maybe Gomez will finally figure it out and tell Hank that Walt is Heisenberg, and Hank will be in some form of denial until he catches Walt blue-handed by accident…kinda like happening in on Tuco while looking for Pinkman.

Well, that’s my pull-it-my-of-my-ass idea.

I think it adds more significance to Mike’s statement to Walt, “You are a time bomb, and I have no intention of being around for the boom.” back in “Madrigal”.