Breaking Bad - "ABQ" Season Finale 5/31 (Open Spoilers)

So tonight’s the season finale. Think we’ll find out about those body bags? Any guesses on the meaning of this week’s title? I know it’s the airport code for Albuquerque… Think someone’s going to take flight?

So disappointing.

Holy Crap

If Walt doesnt have a sense of guilt now, he never will!


Didn’t see that coming at all. Who knew Jane’s dad was an air traffic controller.

Wow, I need time to digest this one. The coincidence is overwhelming, and feels somewhat over the top. At the same time, I feel duped about it not actually having anything directly related to what Walt’s been up to.

Some scary development though:

  1. Walt’s fessed up about all the lying to Skylar. She’s left him, and she doesn’t know if the truth is going to be worse than just not knowing. Ouch, that was difficult to watch. I don’t blame her. And I’m not sure she would be able to handle the truth.

  2. Meth dealing affords a user the best rehab money can buy.

  3. “Pollo” man showing up at the DEA, and seeing Walt’s picture. Who knows how he’s going to react to that. I’m guessing it’s gonna be bad. But then again, he seems like the “Keep your enemies closer” kind of guy, so maybe Walt can appeal to that.

  4. Will walt get injured in the plane accident? There’s plenty more debris left to fall, and we know his car gets hit, and they find his glasses. I’m guessing those bodies came from the sky.

When do they have Season 3 slated to begin? I need my fix.

“Which one?” A sledgehammer to the heart, that was.

What does OMI mean? It was on some of the trucks cleaning up debris at Walt’s house. Also, why hazmat suits for a plane crash?

Aaaaand… I was totally wrong about dead narcotraficantes in the driveway.

Skyler also kicks ass. That is exactly what I would do in her position.

I watched the re-run and it looked to me like Saul’s cleaner took the heroin, the needles and other works? Wouldn’t that look suspicious to the investigators? Or would they chalk that up to normal junkie-in-a-OD-situation behavior and assume Jesse got rid of it?

Yeh, my heart was all warm and fuzzy, even though I knew a bombshell was coming, as they were in his room waiting for the surgery. It seemed like the family was ready to move on, especially Walt. The hug was nice.

Then… “which one?”

Even though I knew it wasn’t entirely resolved, the double-cell phone thing just had to rear its ugly head just then.

Depending on what happens with Walt as aircraft and jet fuel rains down around him, I’m guessing their marriage is on the rocks all next season. And will Hank finally put 2+2 together, or will he always underestimate Walt, and chalk this up to having an affair? Then again, if Hank ever discovers Walt = Heisenberg… game’s over.

I think OMI is Office of Medical Investigation, but I’ve already forgotten which scene it was where it was explained. Didn’t one of the cops in Jesse’s place say OMI had to investigate Jane’s death? Or did Hank mention it to Gus?

I was all set to be pissed off at the unanswered questions, but there was some resolution, at least with Jesse and Skyler.

Hazmat suits for a plane crash – no clue. Jet fuel? Was one of the planes a cargo plane carrying something hazardous?

Why the hazmat suits? Perhaps simply because of the biohazard risk. (I imagine that the neighborhood is peppered with bodies and parts thereof.)

What truth was Walt planning to tell Skyler? The real truth, or did he have a cover story?

And what wlll Gus do, now that he knows that Walt’s brother-in-law is a DEA agent? He’s skittish enough as it is. Will he want to deal with Walt now? Or will he suspect that Walt is a mole?

I can’t imagine Walt continuing to lie at this point to Skylar. She’s really good at reading him, when her suspicion is raised. And right now, she’s at DEFCON 1. I really think he was meaning to tell her, if she really would stay. But as soon as she said, “I’m afraid to really know the truth,” you could get the sense that Walt saw there was no way out of it. He’s damned if he doesn’t tell, and damned if he does.

BTW, the titles of the episodes that opened with the pink teddy bear were: Seven Thirty-Seven, Down, Over, and ABQ. 737 down over ABQ.

Great ending. Walt’s actions just keep adding to all the carnage he has caused. I wonder how long he will stay in denial about his actions.

I think Gus probably did a background check on Walt before hand. He’s a pretty careful guy.

In opening this thread, I covered the screen so only the scroll bar on the right was visible so I could move down to post without seeing anything! I don’t have cable TV and I’m so anxious to see the season finale that I’ve been refreshing my video service every minute or so waiting for the episode to be posted.

I hope it lives up to our expectations. Just wanted to say how jealous I am of all of you that have seen it already!!!

Will be back to post later…can’t wait! Now I have to close my eyes again.

Nah, that’s what Saul’s for. A perfectly acceptable story would be that she came over to his house and asked if she could crash on his bed. He found her like that in the morning. Case Closed. (She must have been high when she got there)

I don’t think Saul will let it get much farther then that.

Nice catch!

This could go either way. If Gus had checked Walt’s background, he would have known about Hank. If Gus becomes suspicious of Walt because of the donation jar, Walt can say “Why would Hank have my photo out where you could see it if I was a mole?” But then Gus can say “Hank didn’t know I’d ever be in his office.” So yeah, I can see Gus being suspicious of Walt.

I can’t decide if Gus not selling the blue stuff in NM is smart or not.

There’s a great interview with Vince Gilligan by Alan Sepinwall over at

Go check it out. It’s really insightful, and he gives some hints and clues about season 3, and even some concrete answers behind some of the more ambiguous events this episode.

This is where Vince confirms the Flash Forward episodes containing the clue to the finale:

I think that’s kickass.

Gus is not as cautious as he claims. If he were, he would never sponsor a DEA anything, because any little coincidence can ring bells. I suspect that he already knew that Hank is Walt’s BIL and he is just amused at how sloppy Walt is getting on TV documenting his money laundering. It will be interesting to see if with the plane crash Walt can get his money out of the wall. Skylar has to suspect that Walt is doing something with drugs because that is the only place one can get money like that. It will be interesting to see if she tells Hank (with whom she will be living) that Walt has over $100k in unaccounted for income and if Walt learns the extent of the philanthropy, which should also be really obvious that strangers do not donate that much.

Why would he have a sense of guilt? He has no way of knowing that he is largely responsible for the plane crash. He’s got a lot to be guilty for, but the plane crash will just be another random bummer in his life.

I was surprised to find that I was still capable of feeling sorry for Walt. I was squirming every time Skylar and “Flynn” whooped over the money coming in - but that’s just because I’d hate that kind of public charity attention. I did think he was really uncomfortable during that TV ambush, though - Hank’s got to see them adding 2+2 together for him, and Walt must’ve been dying inside during that interview. Damn, Cranston and Paul did some powerful acting!

Now, I’ve never done a background check, but do you really think that when you do so, you find out the occupation of your subject’s wife’s sister’s husband? I could easily see that the connection between Walt and Hank comes as a surprise to Gus.

And why would he sponsor the DEA? Well, this little fact is a great reason for doing so. It’s a good way to meet the DEA agents in a casual situation and find out how close they are to finding him. (I can easily imagine him buying drinks for them, or chatting them up when they visit one of his restaurants…)

Man, I disagree. It’s a brilliant cover. He’s in the DEA office, lookin’ around, picking up on every single loose piece of paper or chart or map or gang hierarchy chart… There’s got to be a wealth of information hanging on the walls that a brilliant drug dealer could really use. PLUS the cover of being a patron of a DEA PR event. If/when it comes out who he really is, it’s going to be a major embarrassment to the DEA, and that has got to get him some significant leverage.

Does anyone have an opinion as to why Jane’s dad allowed/caused the planes to collide? Was he still stressed out over Jane’s death? Did he do it deliberately and if so, why?

My speculation is that, yes he did it deliberately because he found out that Jesse was on one of the planes (he blames Jesse for Jane’s death, absolutely). What he didn’t know was that Jesse never got on the plane (for whatever reason).