I’m very impressed with your coding, but how about a little summary for those of us who don’t feel like reading nine different threads to figure out if we agree with you or not?
Going along with that complaint, my cursory read-through of his posts hardly warrant a pitting. Sure, it would be nice if we had better voter turn-out, but does it really warrant a pit for simply saying that voting should be approached carefully by people with a fairly decent grasp of the situation?
Perhaps you’d like to come back and format a real pitting like times of lore when you’d come up with funny insults and point out blazingly stupid behavior rather than merely coming up with a list of cites and saying, “read through these 20 pages and then get back and formulate the rant I’m too lazy to make myself.”
I clicked two links, wandered through long threads until I finally located brickbacon’s name, despaired at doing that for all nine threads, and gave up.
At least one deals with brickheads assertion that people who complain about bullies are whining losers, an assertion he also made in ggurls pit thread. I think he’s an assclown as well, but didn’t feel it was worth the effort for a driveby moron.
On further review, that was not brickbacon’s driveby insult in ggurls thread, the posts were just similar in content.
First link, he states that people are bullied because their parents coddled them, and obviously they’re just a bunch of big freaking babies who should have grown up. Those of us who pointed out some of the severe bullying we received were told our situations were “not typical.”
Second he claims that people with more than four cats/dogs/animals have “issues” and are obviously unstable.
Third, he states that people who use a larger vocabulary in a freaking COLLEGE class are pretentious and putting on airs.
Fourth, he defends Alan Keyes for kicking his daughter out when she came out as a lesbian. We were too HARD on Keyes, see. Keyes is not a bad guy!
Fifth was a previous pitting of him because he accuses of being “haters” in this thread, where he defends cheating and plagarism:
I’m just tired of his stupid comments, and in the bullying and cat threads especially he’s really starting to piss people off.
Next time add some content to the OP, and at least link to the POST and not the THREAD in the links.
I’m not seeing anything pitworthy here.
I agree. Does anybody ever read all the links when someone does that?
Second and third are often true.
First not so much, often it’s kids whose parents didn’t pay enough attention to them.
Sorry about the linked OP. But I stand by what I said-I haven’t seen him contribute anything other than justification for acting like an ass and shitting in other people’s threads.
He wasn’t “shitting” in the cat thread. I asked for opinions. He expressed a definitive opinion that several people disliked, but he was well within his rights to express it.
First: I think that for many people, dealing with bullies is a normal part of life. 98% of the world is bullied. He is not defending habbitual harassment or anything of the likes that leaves long-term emotional scars. We only got one side of the story in that thread and the “victim” could have possibly been just as culpable as this unknown assailant.
Second: He’s right. They are freaks.
Third: Some people that do this in class are. I’m not afraid of big-words, but people that obfuscate their meanings with needless “Word-a-Day-Calendar” vocab are indeed annoying.
Fourth: He’s not defending, he’s explaining what might be going through Keyes’ thick skull. Possibly not very pretty.
Fifth: I certainly won’t defend his argument here, but incorrect citations are not morally equivalent to genocide, and my school has certainly had situations where issues more along the lines of “incorrect citations” than actual cheating led to very severe penalties, that, IMHO, were out of line.
He’s being pitted for failing to hate Paris Hilton? WTF?
I wouldn’t bestir myself to Pit him, but I see that he’s ruffled feathers in several of these threads, and has displayed, at least from what I’ve seen, an arrogant and obnoxious attitude. It appears that other Dopers are handling him well and with great wit and sarcasm in these other threads.
Now THAT is pitworthy.
Geez, I expected more. Especially since many of the links you posted are not really controversial.
One thing is clear though- you don’t read carefully. You completely mis-characterized what I said in many of those threads. Plus, you forgot the whole transsexual thread.
I didn’t say people were bullied because their parents coddled them. I said people see it as a big deal when their kids get in a fight at school because they are coddled. Serious beating at the hands of a bully are rare. Re-read that thread, I added a lot.
People with 4+ plus cats do have issues. I don’t know many people who don’t raise their eyebrows when they see somebody with a dozen cats in their house. That is odd behavior that is typically a sign of deeper issues at work. It’s not 100%, but it’s pretty reliable. Doesn’t mean you’re crazy or that you are a bad person. But, you should realize having a pet collection isn’t normal. Get over it.
Actually, I said there’s a fine line between sounding educated and sounding like a pretentious ass. A line I’ve crossed on occasion. If you use words like “periphrastic” or “vicissitude” and then wonder why people aren’t impressed by your grasp of the English language, then you are an asshole who is out of touch with reality. The guy said his mentors said his vocabulary was beyond some of the students understanding. I suggested he either put the difficult vocab. words in context or eschew obfuscation. I think that’s pretty solid advice if you ask me.
Alan Keyes is a pile of shit. All I was saying is that the belief that thinking homosexuality is a sin= hating gay people is wrong and unproductive. I have done plenty to campaign for gay rights. It’s hard to convince religious people to be more inclusive if you automatically assume they hate you because they disagree with your lifestyle/orientation. Also, everyone assumes his daughter told the truth and that he disowned her solely because she is gay. There is little evidence to support that. I may hate Alan Keyes, but making him out to be Hitler isn’t constructive. As a liberal, I getting pretty tired of seeing every conservative painted as evil. Whether it’s Bush or Alan Keyes, overstating your case against the person doesn’t help matters.
Lastly, I never said cheating was OK, nor was I defending it. I started that thread to understand why it bothered people so much. To me, some classmate cheating doesn’t really bother me. I see no reasons to get all worked up about it like some teachers and students do. I know plenty of people disagree. Different strokes I guess
All in all, you did a good job creating a number of strawmen to attack. I really appreciate all the attention, but my suggestion to you is to get a life. If you really get “pissed” when I express my opinion on an internet message board, then you have far more pressing issues then having a too many cats.
To be fair, that is (generally) pretty fucked up. Not ‘I keep my stool in little jars down in the basement’ fucked up, but still fucked up.
Owning four or more (note: not 20, 30, 30 or 50 or more) pets, **which are spayed or neutered, have ample space and food and are well kept and cleaned up after ** frequently means that you are in the habit of taking in rescue animals which were abused, neglected, lost, or abandoned by other people. To me, this is the height of compassion. Is compassion abnormal?
Consider opening your mind. There is no arbitrary “pet ownership ceiling” which indicates abnormality. It all depends on the resources available to the pet owner.