Click here:,5744,12332,00.html and you’ll get an article written by Locke Peterseim explaining several of the cultural references Miller uttered on this week’s Monday Night Football, complete with links to relevant articles in For example, on Page 5, Miller comments that the MNF theme song is
Peterseim says
Nice to know that the publishers of the Britannica have a sense of humor. Links to previous columns explaining Miller’s comments during previous telecasts are at the bottom of Page Five of the current article. Enjoy!
f the aging Sanders begins to suck enough, everything in existence eventually will collapse into him, creating a single, unimaginably dense point from which will explode the new Deion-verse, where everyone will get paid an infinite amount of money to endorse sneakers.
If Miller starts truly controlling the action on the field, we can look forward to halftime shows where 16th-century Kosovar monks perform an interpretive dance version of Oceans’ 11, with The Wild Wild West’s Dr. Loveless in the Sinatra role.
Thanks for the rescource jab1
I LOVE this! I’m a huge DM fan, and don’t get HBO . How sad is that?
So I was really conflicted about this MNF gig - after all, it WAS Dennis MIller, but it also WAS football. Now, I have the best of it all- all DM, no football. Is the internet great or what.
(I know it’s highly suspicious to be bored with football. we’re not certain I’m human, after all, I don’t like chocolate, either)