Oh, that’s just the English. Just stand on the corner looking puzzled and someone is sure to come up and say, “Can I help you, Yank?”
Then you will get some directions about going three turnings that way and two turnings this way and it’s on the second floor above the Chemist, ending with, “You cahn’t miss it, Yank.”
As a Repressed British Guy ( a fellow Londoner, in fact) I assure you this will work. Definetly. And if you can drink six pints along with us, all the better! (Mental Note: Ask Jennyrosity out - free beer may ensue).
Also a definite. And to translate to American, “take the piss” is to make fun of, insult (but in a friendly way). Banter is always fun, and it gives you a good glimpse into the personality of the other person, too.
I’ll toss in my vote for “hang in there.” When I was getting to know my now-husband, he sounded like he would rather do anything than talk to me on the phone. He kept calling me, though, so I figured he liked me, but he just wasn’t a phone guy, and it turns out that is exactly right. Three years into our marriage, we still don’t talk on the phone well.
My point? Oh yeah - give him at least one more try. My guess is that Canadians are halfway between British and American - more forthright than British, but not as in-yer-face as Americans, and it sounds like he is more subdued than most Brits. Get him comfortable; draw him out; build up his confidence in your affection, and you never know what might happen. In my opinion, the quiet ones are the prizes. Of course, if he still can’t make a decision to save his life after a couple of dates, I’d toss him back. That would get awful old awful quick to me.
(I don’t care all that much for British accents. Scottish or Irish accents - now we’re onto something! )
Whatever happens, please post about date #2…some of us need lives and would like to live (vicariously of course) yours for a bit.
I am going to UK in March. It might be awkward to date, though-my husband and my kids will be with me (long story).
as a british guy I’d have to agree (though im not sure about the private school bit!) I was brought up with a whole stack of manners and ‘good behaviour’ patterns. First date, find out what sort of things the girl likes, decide whether you like her, generaly build up a bit of framework. Maybe a good night kiss if its gone well.
Basicaly from our point of view its pretty much total pot luck, some women react well to you not being too forward, to share the decision making processes, some expect for you to organise all details of the date and to take the chance if they want things to progress… unless the bloke is very lucky he has no way of telling which is which and will just go with their gut feeling. Usually totally disastrous
And to be blunt, the post date message sounds like he was just extra nervous and as such totally blind to any ‘signs’ you may have sent his way. he wanted to impress and has no clue whether he succeeded or not.
what consitutes a british accent by the way? As in we have so many crazy local accents, I for example in briish terms dont have an accent yet i would no doubt be identifiable as having a ‘british’ accent by you lot
I wouldn’t bother, another Doper already did. Well, kind of. In actuality it involved lots of beer, and Jennyrosity and myself in the ladies with Jennyrosity saying “I really really like him!!”, and me going “well, ask him out then”, and her going “no, I can’t”. And then me going upto him and doing the entire “My mate really fancies you” thing. Half an hour later: they’re snogging in the corner.
Actually, one of the most passionate goodbyes I’ve had was on the Tube. Well, not quite on the Tube, but just outside the ticket barriers. gets lost in pleasant memories
You’re talking about interacting with foreigners who have a different set of social customs, gestures, mannerisms and body language etc; that they happen to speak a language similar to yours is lending you the false impression that you are not foreigners to one another. Hence much of the confusion.
Us British men don’t like dating you funny furriners as there is very little chance of it raising our aristocratic standing and our mothers would never approve.