I kind of like the idea of taking a break from True Blood/Vampire Diaries magical vampires and seeing a show with more of a scientific explanation.
Descriptions of the show remind me of the movie Near Dark, which I loved, which never even mentions the word “Vampire”.
So, what are people’s opinions of the show?
It was great, yes. Short, but great.
Very good. It’s very much in the line of a British police/crime drama like Prime Suspect or Cracker with vampires as the criminals.
Yes, it was a fantastic show. Not sure how dated it will feel now, but I remember really enjoying it at the time.
Also, has Idris Elba in the first thing I really noticed him in, and I hear he’s all the rage now, so there’s that.
Add me to the “Oh, hell yes” crowd. It was great.
Definitely worth watching, and at a British 6-ep season, you’re not investing too much time regardless.
I also remember it having a really good music score, I can still hum the music that was playing through a sequence somewhere in the final episode.
I rewatched it a couple of years or so ago. I was disappointed, it wasn’t as good as I remembered, and the last episode was bad. Extremely dated too, but some interesting ideas. A modern remake might be very good.
Thanks for all the suggestions, and yes Idris Elba is definitely now “all the rage”.
I also see that it stars Stephen Moyer(Bill Compton of True Blood).