Bruce Lee vs. loose brie.
Who wins?
Bruce Lee vs. loose brie.
Who wins?
That’s a tough one.
Bruce Lee is good with tai chi, but loose brie is good with chai tea.
Bruce Lee wins, by using the ancient martial art Fon-du.
If you snuck up behind him with a tronchon (or maybe a garrotxa,) he wouldn’t stand a chance.
On one hand, loose brie is easy to defeat by crumbing and deep frying.
On the other hand, Bruce Lee is dead.
The winner is loose brie. Heck, at least its still alive.
Yeah, that loose brie isn’t very observant. I bet it would never see you coming.
Batman, if he’s prepared.
The terrain could be a factor. Will the battle take place on a field of blue scree?
I think loose brie would win… if he snacked up on him. Yes… I know that Bruce has many times made the grate, but his Kraft is no gouda. I know… I saw the bout it was such a bries.
Dat bruise gonna leaves a mark.
You mean the ancient martial art of du-fon.
I think this subject is crackers!
Are you sure it’s not Fon-du? Can one dip one’s crackers in du-fon?
Proverb: Be ware of one who dips one’s crack in fondu. I’d hate to cut the cheese in this circumstance. And I bet it certainly will leave a mark!
Bruce wins every time
No, you’re thinking of take-one-do .
Bruce Lee, definitely. Bruce Lee is the way of the fist, while loose brie is fey of the wrist.
Actually, I’ve always found loose brie to resemble fast-running whey.
… and Bruce Lee is not one you’d find fast-running awhey.
It depends on the stank of the brie (loose).