BtBS: Slayer succession

I came into the series late, and have been catching them out of order in reruns, so please excuse my confusion:

previous slayer (named?) dies and Buffy becomes Slayer.
Buffy dies 1st time (drowned) and Kendra becomes Slayer.
Kendra dies(?) and Faith becomes Slayer? (Guessing, haven’t seen relevant ep.)
Buffy dies again (the one with Glory) and ??? becomes Slayer?
But when gathering up forces for this past season, they only mention Buffy and Faith as ‘current’ slayers. What about Buffy’s second successor?

The traditional party line is that, after Buffy died the first time, the Slayer line went through Kendra, not Buffy. Then when Kendra died, the line went through Faith. As Faith is very alive and kicking, there hasn’t been another slayer officially called.

Also, they never identified who the Slayer was before Buffy.

Odd, that, since it seems a good avenue for further Slayer angst.

Actually, that’s brilliant. You could do all sorts of prequel stuff with that idea of Before Buffy. Wonder if they’ve considered a series, a different slayer every week or per tv movie, through time maybe.