This thread is dedicated to the FX Buffyheads. In three more weeks, we’ll be all caught up (sniff!) and then we can join in with everyone else without wondering what the hell is going on, but til then, this is our thread. People who are already Buffy experts are certainly welcome, but this thread is to focus on those of us who are behind.
I’m assuming that, like me, all such persons are also clueless about Angel. (AGAIN: anyone who wants to loan me your copies of Angel on tape, I’ll make it worth your while…I’ve had an offer for Season2, but I can’t do that til I see Season 1!)
Now, important question…tonight’s ep SHOULD be the famous “Hush”…but it’s not! Which upsets me a great deal. Does anyone know why not? Does anyone know where I can find it? Does anyone know anything?
I’m bummed.
Now I’m gonna go watch whatever ep it actually is.
Part of UPN’s Buffy deal was the rights to first rerun of a handful of Buffy episodes, including Hush and the tear-jerker The Body. My understanding is that, when FX restarts the reruns, these episdoes will be shown in their proper order.
So, how many more threads 'til we get a Buffy Forum? Otto could moderate…
For the record, Hush will be broadcast in reruns on the Space channel in Canada on December 10th. We must fall in a different category in their rerun agreement. Taking bids now on mailing someone a copy.
Hmmmph. Now I am officially miffed, seeing as how I already started a thread with a very similar title to this.
Well, no, actually I’m not. I can’t be, I am too high right now on the caramel covered crack that is Buffy. Two episodes a day on FX. I dread the coming crash when I’ve seen them all.
Aaaaahh! Dammit…just getting into season 4 now on FX. The season I know the least about, trying to keep myself unspoiled, one thing I don’t yet know is exactly when and how Tara enters the picture. So, in response to this, I am placing my hands over my ears and saying “La la la la can’t hear you la la la la…”
I hand out on a willow/tara message board and am on two buffy mailing lists… it was from one of those sources that I found out. If you’re interested, Stoid, I’ll post their urls.
Strangely due to weird coincidences of the universe - I’ve seen both “The Body” and “The Gift” twice. (In fact, those were two of the only three episodes I saw before FX started showing them this fall - they’re probably much more powerful if you’ve been watching for a while.)
The thing that bothered me most is that things happened in “Hush” that are important to the storyline. (Or, there were big continuity problems in yesterday’s episodes that I’m assuming would have been explained had I seen “Hush”).
At least its on in a week and a half…
(And hopefully, I can catch up with this season soon enough)
when will fx start over wiht buffy. I’ve hooked now, but haven’t seen the earlier episodes. Also, when should I stop watching? Does it start to suck in later episodes? (not trying to start a GD)
I’ve found a couple of good sources for info: The Bronze Shelter has articles, interviews and a message board. updates the site everyday with Buffy related news, interviews and pics from all over the web.