Just posting a bummer thread. My back been really bad lately, so I didn’t get to go on our club’s big poker run today. The real bummer? I stayed home and cleaned the house. The ride went PAST MY HOUSE. Harley after Harley, all tooting “hello!” while I sit in here bumming.
Not earth-shattering, just a sucky deal.
(On the upside, I put on some Weird Al music, and I’m currently cheering up to “I Want a New Duck”)
My plans for today consisted of spending my afternoon at DV8, and then, after Sloan’s performance, going to the lake to get extremely drunk with as many of my co-workers we could fit in the cabin.
But what I’ll actually be doing is making a visit to the medi-center, so that they can figure out what this pussiness is, in my throat. Then after, I will be plugging in every heating pad I can find, as an attempt to ease the worst girl pains I’ve had in my life. And meanwhile, I will be thinking about how messed up this whole ‘situation’ is with myself and my good (engaged) friend, and begin to temporarily hate myself.
Sorry for your bummers, people. I hope your bummers become nonbummers soon. My only bummer is that my company is broke so I didn’t get paid this last week. I’m totally broke because I just shelled out all of my savings on various necessities and it looks doubtful that I will be paid next week. If I was single I’d be REALLY screwed, but fortunately SO can support me until it gets figured out.
My bummer today is an abcessed tooth. It is an absolutely gorgeous hot sunny Saturday and this is Canada. First snow is about a month away so today is a last gasp of summer. We won’t see weather like this until next June. The tooth hit me yesterday with crippling pain. I took Advil, Aspirin, and other pain killers in twos and threes all night plus antibiotics from my dentist. Today, one cheek is puffed up and tender. I look like a squirrel with a cheek full of nuts getting ready for winter. I can’t sleep or eat much and I’m looking at emergency dental work next week that should whistle past the $600 mark.
I got a huge medical bummer this morning just before work, but I’m not ready to talk about it. Suffice it to say, its not the kind of phone call you want to get just before work. If I work real hard I can fix it too.