Bush Defaces American Flags


I’ve got this problem, see? Years ago I read the pamphlet that came with a brand new flag, and I have been burning with anger ever since because nobody obeys the congressionally approved rules for respecting the flag, and most of the people breaking the rules claim respect for the flag.
The rules are not that hard, either to remember or to apply. Old Glory is not kitch. Don’t print it on your t-shirt, your mug or your frisbee. Do not display a damaged flag. You think that tattered flag on your car antenna looks cool? You cut up the end of a flag so it would flap bravely in the wind like the flag in our national anthem? That was the fucking war of 1812, you Bolshevik prick, this is your SUV. Take that mutilated flag down, give it a cremation and burial, play fucking taps, and pray that they’re wrong about God loving America.

Whoo boy…

Been there. Done that. Bought the flag-patterned t-shirt.

Parodied it too.

Ah, flag worship. Yet another thing I’ll never understand if I live to be 1,000 years old.

It’s a fucking flag.

Get over it.

These guidelines are ridiculous. Of course, maybe I’m just being a self-apologist (my favorite T-shirt has an American flag with vertical black bars on it and a small part subtly faded so when it’s viewed at an angle it appears to say “USA,” which apparently violates 999 of these rules). But, to me, it seems that the flag is a symbol of America; and should be respected as such, not an icon of divinity which Must Not Be Touched Or Allowed To Reach The Ground Lest It Need Cremation. That’s just ridiculous. There’s a vast difference between intended disrespect of the flag and using it as a background image; is the flag really so SACRED that it must be viewed only in certain ways or else it shall lose its Magical Powers?

I will admit to being a bit precious about the Irish flag, but only when it comes to official or ceremonial usage. If the flag is used at an official gig, observe the decorum for it.

I think it’s good to see ordinary people take pride in their country, but a flag is not something to worship. That said, if you are displaying your flag as a symbol of pride, treat it as such.

Perhaps there is some hypocracy when Bush signs the flag, if he is really gung-ho about a Flag Amendment, but why do you feel the need to follow a product pamphlet like it’s the Koran? Because Congress approved the rules?

I think you people have been whooshed. :rolleyes:

Do’h! Could be.

What about my stars-n-stripes bikini? Is that okay? Or my little teddy bear with the flag appliqued to the bib of his overalls?

::cues Lee Greenwod’s “God Bless the USA”::

As a Patriotic American[sup]TM[/sup], I demand you take that RIGHT OFF and stand there in naked, abject shame for the rest of the day! And since it’s only 1 AM here, you’re going to have QUITE a stay there, you hussy! I don’t care what time it is there! You’re standing naked as punishment for the next 23 hours!

Ooooh! Where do I get a flag that has “magical powers”? All the ones I’ve ever seen seem to just hang out. Is there a link online or do you have to use mail order? And are decoder rings necessary to get them to work right? :stuck_out_tongue:
::: grumble grumble :::

I bet President Bush has one of these really cool types!

That makes ya mad?

Ain’t the half of it.

The magical ones have songs written about them. I think. Either that or they can fly. How do you know hanging out isn’t a super power anyway? And decoder rings are just silly; it actually takes a bottle opener and some magic words.

Yeah, well my parody was better, so nyah. :stuck_out_tongue:

All right…But I’m keeping the teddy bear!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a stars and stripes bikini. For optimum patriotism, stars should appear over the nipples, and the stripe for Delaware should ride between the cheeks.

I would propose a compromise: Bush is a dildo for signing flags like he is the patron saint of the country; Johnny Angel is a flag worshiping buffoon.

Oh look - Waverly thinks Clinton is a dildo.

Plus a whole bunch of WWII vets.

Here’s a better compromise - it isn’t desecration unless there is intent to desecrate. Just like it is not desecration if you are burning a flag because it is too damaged to display, but it is if you do it on the courthouse steps while chanting “Down with AmeriKKKa!”


I thought those rules only applied to official flags. Those little flags on sticks I thought were unofficial.

Those little ones are for the cocktail wieners.