C.Diff Part 2 - Help me find more variety with clear or bland food

About a month ago, I started this thread on digestive issues that I was having. It turned out that I had a C. Diff. infection that causing colitis.

A month later, I’ve tried 2 anti-biotics. The first one didn’t completely fix anything. I was allergic to the second one. In short, I am still infected.

Last night I had a major flare up again. Fever, chills, frequent runs to the toilet all night. I am dehydrated again.

I need to find clear food to eat for a while to help my gut calm down. Any ideas? So far, all I have is Gatorade.

This pageshould help.

You know about this treatment ?

Sorry to hear about your GI problems. I’m guessing it may be off limits, but can you eat miso? A nice warm bowl of miso soup with tofu cubes would be nourishing, bland, and comforting. If miso is not allowed, you could substitute bouillon for a similar flavor.

I hope you’re better soon.

ETA: Just realized tofu might be off-limits too, since it is soy and that’s a legume. Dayyum.

Miso is a good one. I’ll put that on the list.

My fever is up to 104. Not a happy camper today.

I have a transplant (per the link above) scheduled for August 1st. I just have to get there.

My friend was very ill with c.diff following a minor surgery. After several rounds of antibiotics, she had a fecal transplant donated from her husband. It worked!

Apparently the transplant really is the best treatment. Got the fever down to 102.5. Mainly I’m just whining right now. I cannot remember the last time I felt this ill. woe is me

Maybe try a variation on the BRAT diet? Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast. Those are all pretty bland, and while not recommended as the entirety of your diet, they might work for a few days or as a base to add to.

Hope you are treating the fever. 104 is too high for an adult.

I read the early part of that linked thread when you first posted it. Never saw the DX.

Usually C-Diff presents after taking antibiotics for a different infection. It is most commonly seen in hospitalized patients on an antibiotic.
Why are they waiting so long for the transplant?

Because they are backed up and that’s the first appt.

Call your Doc Monday (unless you get worse) and tell him what’s going on. Make sure he knows about the fever. That is too long to wait.

There are, um, alternatives…

Chicken broth (or bouillon from a cube or powder), alone, or with saltines, rice, or little noodles if you can stomach the starches.

If you can stomach an egg, crack it in the bottom of a mug, puncture the yolk, and pour boiling chicken broth over it. The white will cook up into noodles while the yolk enriches the broth.

Jello - congealed or as a hot drink.


I suggest a nutrient-dense supplement (Ensure or Glucerna). That’s what they gave me in the hospital when I stopped eating.

One of the mildest foods that I regularly eat is a puree of zucchini and potato (with leek if you can handle it).

Boil in just a little salted water until soft and put it all (liquid too) through a puree maker.

(Or blend and filter in some other way, if you don’t have the puree maker.)

You don’t have to filter, but I think it’s even milder without the fiber.

Good suggestions. Thank you everyone.

Fever is down to about 100 right now. We’ll see how the day goes. If it starts coming back up today, I will goes to the ER. I’m dehydrated and nauseous. All the fun.

If stay stable today, then I’ll call the doc first thing tomorrow.

how are you this afternoon?

I’m sorry you are going through this and hope they can get you in sooner.

I guess the alternative is doing it yourself? :eek:
I can see being that desperate - better to make sure your doctor knows how sick you’ve been and ask if a DIY transplant is safe.

do whatever it takes to re-hydrate. is there an urgent care you can go to instead of waiting?


Fever is almost back to normal. What’s left is cramping that reminds me of labor, nausea, and the trots. Still dehydrated, but I’m working on it. I’ll talk to the dr tomorrow and see what I need to do next.

Feeling better? Any luck with the doctor?

Today’s summary:

Dr. asked for an ASAP appt, and infectious disease will see me tomorrow at 11 am.

She also prescribed a new antibiotic, but the pharmacy doesn’t normally carry it, so I haven’t started it yet.

Fever continues to jump up and down a few degrees. Right now it’s normal.

Still have all the other “fun” stuff going on. I did manage to get a few consecutive hours of sleep last night, so I’m feeling a little bit less shaky. I’m glad I see the specialists tomorrow.

Thank you for checking in. :slight_smile:

I’m glad you got your appointment. Don’t hesitate to call 911 if it gets worse again. Hang in there!

I hope tomorrow goes well and you get some answers that help you!