Trust me, this is not my idea - I just got back from Morocco, and half of my gastrointestinal system seems to have stayed behind without me (you don’t want the details). So long story short, I have been put on a (hopefully very short-term) diet of clear liquids, no dairy, with a side of Cipro, pending lab results and my gut settling down.
Now I am somewhat of a foodie, so this is my idea of torture - that, and if I don’t get a reasonable amount of protein, I am going to be loopy as hell and completely unable to think straight. I asked my doctor “just how liquid are we talking here? Can I at least eat lentil soup?” to which the response was “water, herbal tea, popsicles, carbonated drinks without the bubbles…in a few days maybe you will be able to handle some rice.”
So what the hell can I eat for the next few days that a) meets the above requirements, and b) will taste halfway decent? There is a pot of chicken soup currently in progress - ideas, please! This is new territory for me - I normally have a fairly cast-iron gut. Six months of Soviet dorm cafeteria food didn’t do me in, but the first 3 days in Morocco did. Let it be a lesson to all.
(Also, note to self - next time, don’t trust the travel guide when it tells you that tap water in northern Morocco is safe, and if you avoid street food, you’ll probably be fine. The CDC disagrees, which I didn’t find out until it was far too late. I feel like such an amateur!)