As some of you know from this thread I have been recovering from stomach surgery. Yesterday they put me on a “full” liquid diet. Full as opposed to clear. It isn’t as bad as it sounds.
Soups, ice cream, yogurt (OK, that IS as bad as it sounds) hot cereal. Etc. In one week I can start eating a “soft diet.” Ground meats with gravy, noodles, flaked fish, etc.
I cheated a bit on mine. I took garden variety canned soup, solid bits and all, and ran it throught the blender so it would be considered liquid. It looked disgusting, but Campbell’s chicken noodle and Minestrone were godsends at that point. I loath Jello to this day.
I remember when I was in hospital for 10 days for a lithotomy (thank god they cheat on the Hippocratic Oath), and I finally developed the ability to fart again. May not seem like much, till you don’t have it.
I have a friend who’s a priest and a full-time hospital chaplain who reports having to pray on multiple occasions for bowel movements and farts. Truth really is stranger than fiction sometimes.
Good news on graduating to non-clear liquids, Khadaji – I hope your recovery continues to progress smoothly. As smoothly as your diet!
LOL. Well, after my first operation two years ago, my bowels shut down completely and they would not let me go home until they moved. I was certainly praying for them to do so, so I guess I understand. I’m not sure I would be comfortable asking the chaplan to pray for that though.