CA unemployment question

I received a letter from the CA Emplyment Development Department that says I’m required to attend a “job search seminar” (getting signed up on CalJOBS – which I’ve done – résumé development, etc) on November 26th.

The problem is that I plan to leave California for good on the 24th. I know that I can receive CA unemployment benefits in WA (and this was verified by Rico, who did receive such benefits in WA), so that shouldn’t be a problem. “Failure to attend this appointment may effect your eligibility to receive unemplyment insurance benefits.”

Of course it’s pointless to attend, because I am already actively searching for employment closer to my new home. Learning how to look for jobs in CA will not be of any benefit to me or the state. So the General Question is this:

If I call the EDD and tell them that I have a new address out-of-state, and that I am no longer a CA resident, will they say, “Oh, okay. Keep looking for work and fill out the job search forms we send you.”? Or will they say, “Too bad. You need to attend the session on the 26th in spite of the fact that you will be a Washingtonian on the 24th.”?

Does anyone know if my relocation will cause problems with the EDD?

(Incidentally, I have indicated the change of address on my new benefits form, which I cannot mail until the 23rd.)

I can not speak for CA but in NJ when you move out of state your claim is still handled by the original state. IE if you moved from NJ to WA you still call NJ for benefits. If we needed you to go to an UI office for something we would tell you to go to the one in WA who would then contact us. I’m going to assume the Jon Search Seminar is the same as our Re-employment Orientation and if you have good cause to miss it would not affect your claim. You can expect a delay before receving benefits once you move to WA because your claim needs to be transfered to another division if CA is anything like NJ

Thanks, MannyL. Yes, I should be able to get CA benefits in WA. I started working around 1980 or 1981. I was out of work for a month in 1992, and again for a couple of months in 1994. After all the taxes I’ve paid over the years, I should get something back!

One of the first things I’m going to do when I get up there is to see if they have something similar to CalJOBS. I’m also wondering about whether I can go to the WA EDD and say, “Here I am. Got work?” (And of course, I’ll be following up on the two leads I got from a former customer that interviewed me – after the position had been filled – a couple of weeks ago.)

I hope you’re right about “good cause”. I really do want to be employed, but it’s a little late for California!

Not to put a damper on your job search Johnny L.A., but do you realize you are moving to a state with the second worst unemployment rate in the country? Only Oregon’s unemployment rate is worse.

Yeah, but it’s where my house is.

First time poster, twenty-eight year EDD employee, and long time faithful lurker (since before the turn of the century), here. I do IT support now, but worked in Job Service (the folks who do the workshops) and UI in the days when local offices did everything.

MannyL has it pretty close. When you get to WA, call the California Interstate Claim 800 number to change your address and reopen your claim.

I don’t think the missed workshop will be a problem because you will have moved before the date of the workshop. The “Good Cause” stuff seems to apply. I’m a little more worried that they may schedule a telephone Determination Interview to decide whether you were able and available and actively seeking work the week you move. Best-case scenario, your check will be a little late. That is probably unavoidable anyway due to the move, Worst-case scenario, you are disqualified for the week you move. The money is still there, but you have to wait until the end of the claim to get it, if you are still unemployed. Be sure to appeal if you get a disqualification.

My experience in the part of California with some of the highest unemployment rates in the country, has been that overall unemployment numbers don’t have much meaning for one individual looking for one job. I’ve been following your saga. You have said that you are willing to be flexible, adaptable and take less money. I expect that you will be just fine.

Here’s hoping for good weather and a safe journey!

Thanks, MemoryDump, and welcome to the boards.

I asked this before, but since you’re with EDD maybe I can get it “right from the horse’s mouth” as it were.

Are the EDD 800-numbers actually staffed in the Philippines? I registered online, but a co-worker who was laid off the same day as I was said that California outsources the EDD calls.

No. Hadn’t heard that one before.

The Call Centers are all in California in the large metro areas–San Diego, San Bernadino, LA, SF, Oakland and Sacto. Because California’s population is so diverse, they hire a diverse assortment of people to work in them and you can hear just about every accent imaginable. There is one set of offices that file claims and another set of offices, that determines eligibility for benefits. The Adjudication Centers tend to be somewhat smaller and more spread out. When you call the in-state 800 number, you get connected to the next available rep anywhere in the state. I think Interstate claim calls all go to one place, but I might be mistaken.

Shhhhh–don’t let Gov Ahnald hear the idea for off-shore call centers. State employees are in enough deep do-do due to political incompentence as it is!!!