So this morning I pick up the newspaper all Iowa wastes its time on and find that our old friend Cal Thomas has seen fit to stick his nose into the brewing defugelty in Cobb County, Georgia. Here is what old Cal has to say:
I did manage to read the whole thing despite the polka dots that kept swimming across my field of vision as my frontal lobes sought to defend them selves from what was being fed up the optical nerves. The temptation to scream at the newspaper may have slowed my comprehension, too. As I understand it, the mouth piece for the fragment of the Republican Party holed up in the Third Baptist Church of Cow Flop, Alabama (with branch offices in the Cobb County Board of Education) thinks that (1) the county school board’s purported decision to require the inclusion of The Book of Genesis’ story of divine creation in the County School’s biology curriculum is a triumph for academic freedom and (2) the whole body of scientific thought that sprang from Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species is really a religion masquerading as science.
This is an approach to the insinuation of religious education into the public schools discussed in these boards frequently. My purpose in not to stimulate intellectual discussion of the nature of academic freedom or of the biological sciences simply because Old Cal obviously has little understanding of either. My purpose is simply to throw rocks at the author of this ignorant and wrongheaded pile of claptrap. I’m not very damned happy with the D.M. Register for publishing an op-ed piece that is so obviously lacking logic, understanding and honesty. If this is what passes for informed opinion around here what the Hell are we coming to. I next expect, in all honesty, a Cal Thomas column whopping it up for a demand that the Sun centered theory of the Solar Systems yield equal time in public schools for advocates of an earth centered universe because Joshua(?) caused the sun to stand still in the heavens.
Why do people put up with ignorant, opportunistic charlatans like old Cal; or is it just further proof of H.L. Menken’s adage that no one ever went broke betting on the ignorance of the American public?