California Spam law and non-Californian[law dopers]

This recent CNN article says

Does this law mean that Californians can sue any company that sends spam? Can I (living in South Carolina) sue a spammer if they are based in California? Do both parties have to be from California?

For reference purposes, the full text of the proposed California spam legislation can be found here.

IANAL, but from the text of the legislation:


given the definition:

Based on the definitions given in the text and the language of the legislation, it would seem that Californians are entitled to sue any spammer regardless of state. It would also seem that someone else can bring suit in a California court under the terms of this act to sue a California spammer.

That’s just from interpreting the text of the legislation. I’m sure a trained attorney will come along shortly to provide more accurate and insightful commentary.

Thank you for that lord_vykor. I have some friends in Law School in California. I’ll ask them what they think, I’m sure it’s come up in discussion since it’s been in the news.

Washington State has a similar law:
A few people in Seattle pick up some extra money by suing spammers:,1272,49089,00.html