Call me Happy.

I feel sorry for the poor souls who reference me in a thread (on the rare occasion that someone does) and feel the need to spell out my whole name. Some get it right, some call me “Happy Lavender.” Some think “Happy” is an adjective describing a “Lendervedder,” in which case they are still forced to spell out the word “Lendervedder.” Regardless, let me make things simpler for all your fingers.

Call me Happy. It’s my first name here. No need to go the “Charlie Brown” route every time you refer to me.

Anyone else care to offer up shorthand or a nickname for their long username?

People in other places just started calling me “Asi” on their own. It’s never bothered me. Feel free.

For some reason, many people here feel the need to type my whole name as well, when it’s pretty obvious that my names Bo and “Snowboarder” is an adjective that serves to differentiate me from all the other people named Bo. Some folks here have even referred to me as Snowboarder, for reasons I don’t care to ken.

So please, y’all can call me Bo; it’s my name.

Hi, Happy!

Soapy, Ivory or** ITD** seem to have stuck.

Hi, Happy!

I’m usually only called Prof. Pepperwinkle over on the Bible Study thread. Otherwise, it’s the Prof. or Prof P. I’m amused when someone calls me Prof. Periwinkle.

Got it: OP is Happy [claps hands].

(feel free to call me** bb**)

Call me whatever you like, just not late for dinner!

Hey if I’m Happy and you know it, I’ll clap my hands too!

Just avoid ancient Greeks: Solon and Aeschylus are both cited as the source of the old quote: “Call no man happy until he is dead.”

Even though it screws with my hourly vanity searches, I’m fine with being called Hal.

Call me Want for now. I hope to change to Free soon.


I prefer it when people refer to me as IS, but I don’t mind pretty much any variation. I’ve been called Inner, Stickler, stickles, sticks and stix and I’ll respond to any of them.

You can call me Blob or The Blob, but please don’t call me Bob.

Call me Martian. Or you can keep calling me Martin, too, if you absolutely insist, although it’s not actually my name.

**MB **is fine, too (just don’t call me BM).

I hate it when I’m referred to as picu. I’m Nurse, please.

People sometimes refer to me as just Emily here, without the G, though I have a short enough username that people usually just call me the whole thing.

I was nicknamed “Midget” in the MMP threads (EmilyG became EmG which became MG which became Midget.) Which is actually a bit of an “opposite” name as I am actually unusually tall.

I am called Capt, Cap’n, Kirk and Jim, I don’t mind any of it. Happy this post sent me to the Doper Pics site, saw OpalCat again. I need to post a few pics there myself.


You guys are lucky. People always misspell my name as No Douchebag, or Moron.

Lev is fine.