Calling All Artistic Types

I’m currently in the process of putting together a new Gaming News and Reviews website. It’s non-profit and is basically intended to be a place where a bunch of guys with various links to the publishing and gaming universes get to post the news and reviews that they wanted to write, not the ones they had to write (if that makes sense). There’ll be far more comprehensive review sites out there, but probably none that are more genuinely honest (and not just out to flatter and/or shock).

Yep, you guessed right - this is something we came up with one frustrated night in the Pub. :smiley:

In truth, no one will probably ever read it apart from our mothers (and then only so they can post comments asking why we never call them), but thats not really the point - the point is to have somewhere where the sanity of the contributors can be preserved and maybe the odd bit of useful knowledge shared.

Anyway, the website is coming along rather nicely (the joy of having your own web company is that you get to funnel resources into your own projects for free!) but currently lacks one important thing - decent character art.

You see the site will, at least initially, probably be primarily posted to by three blokes - me and a couple of mates - so it makes sense for the primary artwork of the site to feature graphic versions of us three loveable rogues (with other images/artwork where appropriate).

So here’s the fun part…

Whilst this is a serious site, its still something that we’re putting together primarily for fun so i figured that it might be good to cast the opportunity to do the site artwork out to all and sundry. We’ve put the word out amongst friends and family, but i also thought it might be nice to stick a shout out here, as i know we’ve got plenty of talented types on here who might think its a fun site to contribute to or even just a good opportunity to polish up some skills and get some good work up on a well built site (which is always good from a portfolio perspective).

There are no real “rules” as to what kind of artistic style i’m after here - the current test version of the site uses images of the gorillaz as proof-of-concept imagery but that certainly doesn’t mean we’re bound to that particularly style or anything that complex. We’re open to anything that looks rather smart and cool.

So if you’re an arty type and are interested post here and show us your skillz (i’ll happily host images for people if you don’t have space of your own) or - if you’re of the shy variety - feel free to drop me an email.

If anyone really feels brave and up for it, feel free to take a quick bash at the characters themselves. A quick conversation with the office gossip (and others) reveals that last time the girls played the “Who would play X in a movie” game down the pub the three of us were cast as slightly younger versions of, respectively:

  • Me (Garius): Daniel Craig (but with dark brown hair)* - Generally found playing anything that lets me be a general or warlord of some variety
  • Rogue No. 2: Sean Pertwee - generally found playing shooters
  • Rogue No. 3: Ray Winstone (but with black hair) - generally found playing “Soccer” games and beat 'em ups.

Now personally i think the above is bollocks - last time the three of us played this game in the pub we cast as ourselves Ant and Dec (the hosts of the UK equivalent of American Idol) and Jabba the Hutt, but fuck it - who are we to argue with a selection like the above, and i guess its our website so we get to look far prettier than we actually are if we really want to. With that in mind feel free to use and of the above as a guide (or completely disregard it).

Anyway, if anyone is interested post here** or, as i say, just drop me an email. Even if you aren’t interested post anyway - it’d be great to really see some of the artistic talent that we’ve got out there on the boards!

(Oh, and a big thanks to the Mods for letting me post this)
*James Bond. JAMES FUCKING BOND. Apparently being English in New York automatically increases your attractiveness by 1000%. God bless America.

**just watch this bomb off of the front-page completely empty in a matter of hours