Calling all Southern Cal dopers and everyone else

**Rick wrote:

If anything falls though the cracks, I’m just up the road in Sylmar. I won’t be there for the pitting, but I intend to make dinner. (Well not make dinner, but arrive in time for)**

Thanks, Rick! I’ve made arrangements with CADolphin and family for a ride, but I’ll remember you for future endevours! :smiley:

Yay, Greg! Another member of the San Diego contingency!

Woo hoo, I’m excited about this.

ava and I shall be at the pits, as well as Marie’s… as far as I know. My elder sister has graciously offered to give us a ride from my parentals (yeah, all 6.3 miles), and we’re going to go visit them for the weekend.

Mind you… once the banana cream pie lands in front of me, all of you shall cease to exist.


Thank you very much Esprix!

Here’s the list that I have now… please check it out and make sure I didn’t miss anyone or any changes.


  1. bristlesage
  2. Johnny L.A.
  3. Arnold Winkelried
  4. Anamorphic
  5. JavaMaven1
  6. scout1222
  7. Gangster Octopus
  8. Chocolate Kix
  9. Greg Charles
  10. SPOOFE
  11. Ruffian
  12. DeathLlama
  13. CelticCowboy
  14. Esprix
  15. JustPlainBryan
  16. Shayna
  17. Spiny Norman
  18. BraheSilver
  19. Monster104
  20. Mercutio
  21. mrsMercutio
  22. Icarus
  23. nightshadea
  24. David Simmons
  25. Mrs. David Simmons
  26. Rick
  27. dougie_monty
  28. tjblack - maybe
  29. deb2world
  30. ava
  31. High Priestess
  32. High Priestess sister
  33. Edwardina
  34. Freyr - Peter
  35. Stoid
  36. Heloise
  37. Heloise’s mom
  38. Fairy Chat Moose**

Is anyone else wondering if the Pits will survive a group of Dopers??? I mean, they’ve only had to survive eons… are they really prepared for us?

Ooooooooohhh, I just had an evil thought.

I’ll look into bringing mega pixie-sticks to the dopefest for ready consumption by all.


cadolphin, has Miss Moose arrived yet? She left town a week ago and I kinda, sorta misplaced the delivery verification receipt so I can’t check on line. She went Priority Mail last Thursday.

FairyChatMom, I got your email and it was a good thing! I hadn’t realized how long it’s been since I checked the mail. :eek:

I’m not sure what’s wrong with me, but I think it’s a good thing we’re going to have a great time Saturday. I NEED to escape reality for awhile…:smiley:

Miss Moose is at the PO. I’m looking at the slip and she’s been waiting there for 3 days.

Poor Miss Moose! She must be wondering if she’s really wanted at LAdope or if she’s been abandoned or something. I’ll have to apologize to her as soon as she arrives here.

Is there anything special she likes that will cheer her up and help make her feel welcome? Will chocolate do it or do moose require something different then other party animals?

Rico said he’ll pick her up today. I’ll let you know once she’s here in my hot little hands.

I need to update my status to ‘Maybe’. Sorry.

Bryan - didn’t the Farrell’s Dopefest teach you anything about SoCal Dopers and Sugar?

:: Wanders off, shaking head ::

Oh, no - we couldn’t keep you from bouncing all over the walls at Farrell’s at San DiegDopefest! Damn kids!


Since ya’ll were so new to me at the San DiegDopefest, I didn’t remember who went wild with the giant pixie sticks…
Do you think we could ground up some valium and slip it in with the sugar for Bryan???


I have a better idea - every five minutes we will launch a Farrell’s-style birthday celebration. The lights will dim and flash, sirens will go off, there will be a lot of noise and confusion. This will cause Bryan to have 'nam flashbacks, and he will be reduced to a quivering imbicile.

Oh, no, wait - that means it wouldn’t have any effect. I’ll have to come up with something else…



You’re on a roll Esprix… keep thinking

The Marie Callender’s there is a very reserved place. I think it will do them good to get some of that Farrell’s atmosphere in there! At least until we get kicked out. Then we head for Koo-Koo-Roos next door! And if that fails, I know of a really skanky nightclub down the street!

Oh and Esprix? You’re my first pixie stick target!
JustPlainBryan, your friendly neighborhood pixie-stick Pusherman

Hey, any place that has “Koo-Koo” in it’s name can’t possibly kick us out for being nutty. Think about it.

Not that we shouldn’t hit a skanky nightclub anyway

Well now. My schedule has changed once again. Let’s see…

Camping trip: was on…now off

Dog grooming: pending

Funeral: just announced…on :frowning:

LaDope: was off…now on!

So it looks like I will be driving up after the funeral of my friend’s mom. I will be in the mood to party by then. I may be a little late, but I’ll look for the bunny ears.

Encinitas has been readded :smiley:

Lordy this is turning into San DiegDopefest II - NORTH. :wink:


Oh cool! Pixie Stick Pushers!

Save some for the big guy!

Name tags are done, and might I add, they look REAL cool!

How about a big hand for Kathy for putting this whole shindig together?


Come on, Esprix, you can do better than that!
