Caloric content of toast.

This thread is not nearly as amusing as the Morning Wood thread, and it will not greatly enhance your earning potential, but it has me bugged.

Why do calorie charts indicate that bread contains more calories after being toasted?

Does toasting introduce some error into the method used to measure caloric content? Shouldn’t partially oxidizing (toasting) the bread REDUCE the caloric content?

Toasting the bread reduces the water content, so, while a sliceof toast still contains the same calories as the slice of bread from which it was made, 100g of toast contains less water than 100g of fresh bread, so it contains more carbohydrates.

Same reason that skimmed milk contains more calcium; you take out one of the constituents (fat) and the proportions of the remainder increase (when expressed as a percentage of what’s left)

Duplicate thread. Sorry, Mangetout. Can you put your answer in the other one?