Calvin and Hobbes - my all-time favorite

Well, I just had lesson 34. I was looking to see if I could find one of my favorites, where Calvin complains that adults have ruined the Earth so he is packing to leave and Hobbes asks “Where you going to go?” Failed to find it, but next time I search, I will switch to safe mode. There are some sick, sick people out there.

My wife and I use “Now it’s too deep” as a metaphor for just about any unforeseen consequence or petty gripe.

Everyone of these links to the comics has made me smile. Amazing. C&H, none better.

“The Disembodied Hand That Strangled People.”

Any strip where the Dad comes out on top is my favorite.

That’s my favorite.

Second favorite:

This has always been one of my favorites.

There is a Sunday strip where he envisions himself adult and married to Susie and takes umbrage at being the father of a rabbit. I might have to buy that complete set.

I was just about to go looking for that one.

Found it!

I think I found it:

Just back from Ebay looking at boxed sets. Funny thing- lots of C&H merch. Either Watterson relaxed his no-licensing stance, or Ebay’s running afoul.

I strongly suspect the latter (well, more specifically, that people are selling unlicensed merchandise on eBay, and eBay isn’t doing anything about it). I’ve never seen anything to suggest that Watterson has changed his mind about licensing C&H merchandise beyond the books and prints of specific strips.

As a college math teacher, I’m partial to the ones that involve math. I use a couple of strips in my lecture materials.

Introducing the Quadratic Formula:

Introducing complex numbers:

My favourite too.

this one?

Faux-Calvin’s line in the next-to-last panel is one of my all-time favorites. Imagine how many plotlines it could have derailed:

KRAMER: Look, Jerry, it’s easy! All ya gotta do is-
[roll credits]

I have always been a fan, but never more so than with this unexplained mystery:

And the follow-up:

Someday the TRUTH will be Discovered!!!

My favorite is the one where Hobbes says at the end, “Let me see that stick a minute…”

They’re all great, and I doubt I could pick a “favorite” but this one comes to mind…

I always loved that one too. The final panel has turned into a catch-phrase with my wife. Whenever things get too complicated/ crazy, “it’s time for a nap in a tree until dinner.”