Campaign Finance reform suggestions

I mentioned in GD the need for liberals and conservatives to get together to insist on serious campaign finance reform to try and remove some portion of the corruption and money influence in Washington.

A conservative friend of mine {who is annoyed at how much he is defending Obama lately} talked about a bipartisan group called DYDJA {Do Your Dam Job Asshole} but aside from it’s unacceptable name the proposal was about setting some standards that would apply to Dems and Pubbies alike when it comes to being responsible representatives of the public interest.

So, singling out Campaign finance reform I’d like to make and hear some suggestions on what type of reform might be effective?

Simply, I’d like to see campaign contributions made by individual citizens only with limitations similar to what we have now per individual. No contributions from PACs or any place else.
Take the limited money available and do what you can. Find time to present your case and your positions on public TV and in rallies and town hall style meetings. Have all the debates you like.

Then, let’s stress involvement and education to the public.

Idealistic drivel? Unrealisitic?

I read an article about an author who did a study on the corruption born of the bedding of business and politics in one major city. Chicago I think but no matter. His conclusion was the only way to minimize it was for the public to pay attention and regularly throw people out of office.

We can’t criticize the corruption of the opposing party while excusing, ignoring and defending the corruption in our own.
