can a band really make a comeback?

Good point, D_Odds, I haven’t heard that album since I quit buying new Yes albums after about 1992.

Great White will probably be sued by the relatives of their deceased guitarist as well.

Joan Jett, Lita Ford, and the other former Runaways could always try a reunion. Just keep Kim Fowley far away from all of them.

Lita Ford keeps proposing that every few years. It thens falls apart when she doesn’t show up for rehearsals.

If riding other people’s coattails to fame counts, then yes.

Purely as a live act, The Who’s performances of the last few years stand up against any current or former ‘greats’. Unfortunately, Entwistle’s death, the fact that they haven’t had anything NEW out, and Townshend’s recent problems, stand in the way of any kind of real comeback.