Can anyone else control their dreams??

I have been able to control my dreams ever since I can remember, and I’ve never been on any mind-altering drugs, with the exception of seizure medication. But I didn’t start having seizures until I was 17, and I’ve been controlling my dreams since long before that. My mom can, and my grandmother could, as well.

Sometimes I get really deep into dreaming and don’t realize I’m dreaming until I feel my body start to wake up (usually happens during especially bad nightmares), but other times I have almost unlimited power over what’s going on in my dreams. It’s pretty cool.

Also, most of my dreams occur in really vivid color.

Damn. Sorry about the double (now triple) post!:smack:

Mr. Sultana was once having a dream at a time when he had been doing a lot of Web site work. He noticed that something in the dream wasn’t going well. Oh dear, he said, that won’t work. He clicked on the dream, he said, and the HTML screen came up. He looked for the problem, found a comma that oughta be a period, fixed it, clicked to make the HTML screen go away, and went back to the dream.

When I am writing a lot I can not only control my dreams, but I can be several characters in them.

Do you have a newsreading app? try (I think that is the right name)

I have had some (less than 10) lucid dreams, none of which have lasted more than what seemed like minutes.

They were very memorable.

I used to have a recurring nightmare, which I would wake up from nearly every night for the better part of a year, in a cold sweat and just terrified. It got so I would fight off sleep because I didn’t want the dream. :eek:

Someone suggested that I plan out, before going to bed, what I would do if I were in control of the dream, and imagine it that way every night until I influenced the dream, because the assumption was that if I kept up this exercise, it would work.

I tried it, and it worked. So there, you big bad monster!

Well I was able to control a dream last night, but woke up in a hot sweat (nothing dirty thank you). This time I was in an orphanage and was asked by my current manager at work (kind of a headteacher at the orphanage). he asked me to climb up to a high point so I climbed ontop of the building, but then I seen a high building (a bit like 1 of the twin towers) so ran and went in the lift, when it started shooting up, I suddenly thought this is a dream? so I tried to jump out of the glass lift but it wouldnt stop until I made it stop, I climbed onto the top of the building and thought if this is a dream I can run and jumped off, so I did. At this point I started to panic and became unsure if I was dreaming and uncomfortable so I woke myself up. Hope this isnt something to do with Sept 11th.

As a kid I had a reoccurring dream where my Mom was driving a car while being chased by a gorilla(don’t ask why…no idea) and I KNEW it was a dream but I couldn’t change anything

As for a lucid dream I had ONE in my whole life…did alot of flying and beating up my enemies but as I was a teenage male at the time it quickly changed into something I don’t want to go into except to say the sheets needed to be changed the next morning

You can bet your behind I tried to duplicate it for the longest time but no joy

I can, kind of…if I manage to realize that I’m dreaming, I can begin to control the dream. However, the more mentally “awake” I become, the more the dream begins to—literally—fade around me. Then I wake up.

It’s very frustrating…but at least I manage to get a few seconds of flight. But just a few seconds. :mad:

What a gyp.

Oh…and no drugs, for me. Unless you count sugar.

When I first read about lucid dreaming I was shocked. The idea that most people don’t know that they’re dreaming during a dream was just so odd.

I only remember one dream in my life where I thought I was awake. And I was going through a regular school day in junior high, so you can see that it would be an easy mistake to make. I woke up in the middle of lunch and had the whole day to do again.

I’ve always known what’s about to happen in a dream and even if I couldn’t or didn’t prevent something I didn’t like, I always knew that I was dreaming and wouldn’t be hurt. Although there was sort of one exception. Once I was being chased by a burglar and suddenly turned and bit off his thumb. Didn’t see that coming at all. No idea that I was going to do it. It was one of the most palpable dreams I’ve had, too. When I woke up I could still feel it. (Now repeat after me - sometimes a thumb is only a thumb.)

I’ve been able to rerun bits of dreams and change them rerun by rerun until I got the result I wanted.

I can’t fly, but I can float. I’ve teleported, which feels really weird. The entire universe folds up into the middle of my solar plexus and then unfolds again with me in another location (the scene looks flatish while it’s folding)

Trust me, no drugs are necessary.

(former) lucid dreamer here:

I had lucid dreams from about 8-ish until my mid-teens, but lost the knack at some point. It was quite fun – kiss the girls, run around nekkid, flap my arms and fly into the sky. Whee!


Your still dreaming. You’ve burned out those brain cells which used to differentiate whether you were asleep or awake. Now you just go through life asleep and what you thought you did in your sleep you actually did while animated (notice no use of awake). Actually, I think your pod might be malfunctioning. Maybe it needs to referred to an agent. MR. Anderson? :slight_smile:

I’ve had lucid dreams for nearly as long as I can remember. They got really frequent for awhile in my twenties. What’s a trip to me is to be asleep, paralyzed basically, aware of what is going on in the room but unable to respond or wake up.

I got really good at controlling my dreams in my mid thirties. I used to study for exams while sleeping. I found that my subconscious has excellent recall and I could go over notes and work problems in my sleep.

I believe much lucid dreaming is actually a form of self-hypnosis. By establishing a controllable link between the conscious and sub-conscious mind, we have access to data and mental images that are unavailable while awake.

I studied and practiced this phenomenon in depth for many years. My goal of total recall was not reached but I feel like I was on the verge. I picked up a couple of degrees and a master’s in clinical psych. on the way. Too many responsibilities and distractions have postponed my pursuit. Hopefully I will be able to continue this pursuit soon. I found that it takes a lot of focus, or a lack of distractions, a peaceful mind and few responsibilities.

I’m still able but not at the same level as before. There also seems to be a link with this ability and various physiological factors.

Fasting and sleep deprivation and/or some particular drugs cause delirium and/or delusions. What the studies can’t relate is the experience. While it is true that in many cases the subject’s perception of reality is false. What they don’t say or believe is that there are often moments of clarity that is similar to what religions refer to as “seeing the light”.

of course the DSM would say you had a psychotic episode that was induced.

Since I had experienced brief episodes of clarity and a history of lucid dreaming, NOT INDUCED, I figured why not try induce a few find out.

The longest I ever fasted without sleep (I ate one half cheese sandwich and half hour nap everyday, drank water only plus one multivitamin)…was 28 days.

I can guarantee you that after the third week, (my experience) any barriers between the conscious and subconscious are gone.

I had complete control of myself… ie:I could hop in the car and go visit my folks or whatever, pay bills, work etc.

BUT during meditation or simply quiet contemplation, near total recall is possible. BUT by the end of fourth week…I should’ve made adjustments to my schedule.

It was over…I had a bad experience that ended it. BUT the link was there for a long time afterwards. A wife and two kids in high school, mortgage, new car payment doctors bills etc…now have pretty much taken any peace of mind away. They’ll be graduating soon though.

for what it’s worth, I graduated w/ overall at near 4.0 GPA National Deans list degrees in math, psych, physics, and philosophy.

I still get by on about two or three hours sleep daily and I take no drugs. Not that I haven’t once upon a time…

Hopefully this is not too far off topic. :slight_smile:

Take a look at this thread:

Ask the Lucid Dreamer