Can anyone ID this person?

A fiend of mine is a photographer and was in the Czech Republic a while back. He took series of photographs of TV, and caught one image from a history program and used it in his artwork. But he doesn’t know who it is, and neither did his Czech wife or father-in-law.

Any ideas?

Moshe Dayan?

Wrong eye.
Jan Syrovy?

Fat face, beady eyes, military leader.

Or Jan Syrový?
Further images, courtesy of Google:"Jan+Syrový"&hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&sa=N&start=0&ndsp=21

He was a Czech general and Prime Minister. I’m not sure it’s a match–the pictures I found of him look rather heavier than the one you linked, among other things. They may be from different periods, though. At least he has the eye patch on the correct side.

I thought about the eye, but the picture could’ve been reversed for some reason?

It would make sense. The pic that gaffa linked looks like your basic military leader, no medals so not dress uniform. The pic from 1938 was when he was in Prime Minister. He’s a bit older, wearing a much more formal uniform, and has some facial hair. It could very well be the same person but different circumstances when the pics were taken, and with an age difference. He lost his eye in 1917 so if the first pic was taken not long after that, it could be a difference of almost 20 years between the pictures.

Good point. In support of it, I note that Gaffa’s link shows him with what I take to be three stars on his right epaulet. That would mean he was a three-star general at the time. The images I linked involved references to him as a four-star general, and so were presumably from later in his career.

Possible, but the uniform looks a lot more Soviet.

If you mean the uniform in your pic, Jan Syrovy was in the Czech legion of the Russian Army when he lost his eye. He commanded the same legion. I know nothing of history from that time frame so I can’t say what the uniforms should have looked like but maybe they were different in the Legion than the normal Czech army.
By the way, everything I’m saying is total conjecture - after spending an hour or so searching the internet.
In other words, I is guessing :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s too recent to be Kutuzov. There’s a passing resemblance to Zhukov, but he never lost an eye, as far as I know. He doesn’t look at all like Bagramyan (who sounds like he lost just about everything except an eye).

I tried finding some Czech Legion uniform images from the relevant period without much luck. I only found one good set. It doesn’t shed much light on the subject, unfortunately; there are some similar elements, but there are also differences–but then, it would hardly be surprising for a general’s uniform, or a dress uniform, to be a bit different. I don’t know if it supports the case for Syrový or not.

Like congodwarf, I’m just making guesses. I know very little about Czech history, only general knowledge about Russian history, and nothing at all about uniform styles. My Google-fu is strong, but not unbeatable.

I did a search for “Soviet Uniforms” and came up with this link, and the short lapels really do look similar. I can’t tell from his artwork if it has the red star on the collars.