Some of these pictures are quite intriguing. I have a few questions. Let me start by asking beagledave:
Are you wearing a purple fez in that picture?
Some of these pictures are quite intriguing. I have a few questions. Let me start by asking beagledave:
Are you wearing a purple fez in that picture?
Baglady, is that a CamelBack™ you’ve got on there? If so, why? Were you riding a bike when the picture was taken, or did you need a larger repository for your Vodka than a regular flask? Can we see a picture of your whole head? Your hair looks killer!
Question for Coldfire: When were you last taking classes in college? You remind me of a guy I met in a class last September.
Beatle, where the hell are your pants? What, exactly is going on in this picture?
QueefSnot, what kind of jet is that, that you are standing in front of?
Chronos, why do you have one of those godforsaken beanie babies on your head?
…more to come…
Sorry to ask a newbie dummy question, but where are the people pages located? It’s not in the FAQ.
Maeglin, the people pages are here.
EvilTwin, why are you cupping your breast in that picture, or are my eyes decieving me?
Fonzarelli, never mind…
Garfield, what planet are you standing on there, or is that our moon? How did you survive without a space suit?
…still looking…
Guanolad, where did you get that incredible jacket, and why, by the gods, are you wearing it?
Iampunha, are you actually Leif Garrett’s long lost brother?
Lexi, why are you so pissed off?
Mojo, is that a Samuel Adams Dark beer you are drinking there?
Monster, have you ever seen Jerry Maguire(sp?)? Deja vu!
P G B, are you a real estate agent?
Why, yes I have. Are you suggesting that my son looks like that little boy? Thanks…I think!!
Democritus said (well, who the hell else coulda?):
“Iampunha, are you actually Leif Garrett’s long lost brother?”
In order for that to be the case, I’d have to be his nationality, which I’m not. I’d also have to wear really tight clothing except for a really loose shirt.
Now, as soon as I get a more recent pic . . . hehehe
Coldfire has scary eyes. Very scary.
(getting up to lock the door)
Well, I’m saying your son looks like the little boy, and you look like the actress(I can’t remember either of their names.) It was meant as a compliment, if that was unclear.
Q: Am I not a sexy bitch? Really now, do I make you horny? Tell me!
Renée Zellweger was the actress. Don’t remember the actor’s name and don’t feel like looking in the imdb.
You can answer questions like this for other people:
*Originally posted by Democritus *
**Beatle, where the hell are your pants? What, exactly is going on in this picture?
If I remember correctly, Beatle went to a Holloween party dressed as “A Guy With No Pants On.”
The pic, I surmise, is of that event.
(To prove my geekery, I will now go off and attempt to find the thread I read that in. BRB.)
how does one submit a pic for these pages?
Thank you Iampunha, that’s the one. Mmmmmmmm.
Monster and son are much better looking though, wouldn’t you agree?
Silent Rob, are you a magician?
Smug, I’m interested in skydiving, how much should I expect to pay, and what can I expect on my first jump? Tandem jump? Static line? Are these neccessary, or can I just jump on my own?
Soulsling, what unit were you in in the army? I was 1st Cav for a couple years, then MEDDAC for the rest of my 7 year tour.
Sue D, will God ever forgive me for the unpure thoughts I have had about you? (Was that my out-loud voice?!?!)
for Demo…nope it’s not a fez. My wife and I sent our honeymoon in Ireland…over Christmas. There is a tradition in Ireland/England for kids to play with “crackers” …tubes that can be popped open with Cracker Jack type toys in them…In the crackers we bought…we got those stupid paper crowns, which we wore at x-mas dinner with some relatives outside Dublin
Way too much info probably:)
Still fuming that I didnt make anyone’s crush list:)
sdimbert, thank you, now I can sleep at night.
BMU, send your picture to Shayna @
Trion, are you carrying a log on your back there, or just ducking under it?
troubleagain, is your black dog gay? If not, why the pink bandanna?
Vix, are those pictures of cats on your wallpaper? If so, yeeeccchhh!!!.
Wanderlust, did you know you could have an excellent career stunt-doubling for Patrick Stewart?
Well, that’s it…for now.
*Originally posted by Democritus *
Monster and son are much better looking though, wouldn’t you agree?
Actually, I don’t look a thing like Renee Zellweger IRL. She is MUCH cuter than I. Also, doesn’t she have blond hair and big poochy lips???
But, I definitely take that as a compliment. Thank you!!