Can anyone recommend a good PC game?

I’m an avid gamer, and I just ordered a major upgrade for my PC. (Well major for me since I’ve been sitting on this 900mhz system for 2 years.) :rolleyes:
I’m going up to a P4 2.4ghz; 512mb DDR RAM; and GeForce FX 5200 Ultra.

Anyone got any suggestions for games with plenty of eye candy or photorealistic graphics to help me “test” my new machine?


Star Wars Galaxy.

UT 2003

This one and any other MMPORPGs are definitely out of the question.

I absolutely refuse to pay $10 a month to be able to play a game I’ve already dropped $50 bucks on. :mad:

This is a good choice. I tried playing UT2003 on my current machine, but the gameplay would eventually get very choppy. So much so that I’d have to reboot my computer before I could play it again.

Though the new “Bombing Run” mode had its moments, what I’m really waiting for is next year’s UT 2004 when they put my beloved “Assault” mode back in the game.:smiley:

Commander Keen.

Failing that, wait until September when HalfLife 2 comes out. I’ve just seen the E3 video from Gamespy drooles

Too bad, cuz they’re the best ones out there. IMHO, of course! :smiley:

Lucky you’re getting a DX9 part.

Morrowind is supposed to have great graphics and be pretty good.

Medal of Honor from EA Games. Go to the website, check out the graphics. I’ve been addicted for months. You can also play online after finishing the game.

Knights of the old republic is coming out soon i believe, thats one game i’ve been looking forward for quite some time.

Might I suggest a classic like Diablo II…I have spent thousands of hours on that one! :smiley:

Anybody know if there is going to be a third one?

Otherwise Grand Theft Auto Vice City on the PC is supposed to be very good.

Medal of Honor is always a good choice.

Are you looking for first person shooter/role play/or whatever’s clever?

Ohhh yahh,

My roomate hasn’t left his room in almost a year since he started playing Ghost Recon Online…there’s no fee and you can deathmatch or team co-op all day long…or at least he does. :smack:

UT 2003?

watsonwil, I believe that’s Unreal Tournament 2003.

I suggest Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights, Warcraft III, Ghost Recon Online, Battlefield 1942, or Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

Enjoy your new computer! :smiley:

Check out the amazing photo-realistic graphics in this slick new MMPORPG that’s about to be released. It will change the face of gaming!

Ok, so this is a joke…just watch the movie on the link, it’s funny as all hell…

You’re crazy!:smiley:
That shit was TOO funny!!

Beat me to it. That’s the one I was going to recommend. The XBox version just went gold, and I believe the PC version was supposed to be a month or two behind.

I’d suggest either the Warcraft III expansion or the Neverwinter Nights expansion if you liked either of the originals.

Otherwise, everything’s a bit slow for the next couple of months. This fall and winter should see some killer titles, however, with Half-Life 2, Doom III and Deus Ex 2.

Good suggestions by all.

Rabid Squirrel suggested “Commander Keen” but all I could find were references to a GameBoy version.

A lot of the other suggestions are games that I’ve already played (In most cases finished them) but I wouldn’t have a problem going back and rediscovering them.

I have “Morrowind” and both its expansions, but only played it briefly until I realized I couldn’t put the necessary time into a long RPG. (I’m laid-off now, so there goes that ‘time’ issue.) It did chug on my old machine. So maybe I’ll put it to the test on my new one.

I finished MoH:AA but never completed the “Spearhead” expansion. I probably should. I also loved the online “Objective” maps.

SW:KotOR looks friggin’ awesome. I can’t believe that this is the first I’ve heard of it. Definitely on the must-have list!

I played Diablo II for awhile, but got bored with it. It seemed so repetitious. I just finished GTA:VC a few weeks ago and it played well on my old machine.

I tried “Ghost Recon” but couldn’t get past the contol scheme. FPS games that require quick reflexes but don’t allow me to use my PantherXL joystick don’t get very much play on my machine. And before any of you ask “What kind of gamer plays FPS games with a joystick?” The PXL is a specially designed stick with a huge trackball on the base. The stick acts as your keyboard’s movement keys do (WASD) and the ball acts as your mouse to look around in game. It also features LOTS of buttons and switches for other ingame functions. See it here:

I did play WarCraft 3 briefly, as well as Neverwinter Nights but again I didn’t feel I could invest a lot of time in a story-driven RTS, or an RPG. They’re certainly up for consideration.

BF:1942 is also a good choice. I’ve played and finished it, but I loved the online action.

I’m personally leaning toward a fun, flashy FPS (Unreal 2 is at the top of my list now), or a gorgeous flight sim. (IL2 Sturmovik perhaps which brought my old system to its knees.)

Thanks for the help folks!

Commander Keen is a great game, but it fails to satisfy Mann Slaughter’s request for photorealistic graphics.

Here are the title screens from the three most recent episodes in the Keen series. The animation during the game is not much better. Hardly photorealistic by today’s standards.

The history of the Keen series is documented at the same site:


Starcraft: yeah its old but still great.