Can house cats really get this big?

Check this out:

I think it may be a digitally enhanced photo (the guy’s fingers look too long), but I don’t know much about cats.

Can house cats really get this big?

The guy holding the cat is digitally enhanced; the photo is digitally stupided.

I’d have to say that’s one of the most obviously faked photos I’ve ever seen.

No, housecats don’t get that big.

I wonder if they pasted a picture of a cat’s head onto the photo of a dog’s body. Our Norman cat weighs about 22 pounds, and he is nowhere near that size. A friend of mine had a cat who weighed thirty pounds. That cat was obese, not large.

I can think of more interesting thread descriptions you might have used… but anyway as lissener indicated this is fake and such a bad fake the “artist” should have his copy of Photoshop deleted from his PC.

(link removed by moderator)

Don’t go there! I’m warning you!
(edited to remove link)

[Edited by Arnold Winkelried on 09-22-2000 at 06:27 PM]

You bastard.

I thought it was going to be a poorly faked big cat again.

(I sent my brother that picture after his colonoscopy, and he spit spagetti all over his keyboard and monitor.)

Kyberneticist, in my desire to help people follow your advice of “Don’t go there!”, I removed the link, which I deemed to be inappropriate. Please don’t post items of this kind.

moderator, “Comments on Cecil’s Columns” forum

Actually, I don’t think it’s digital at all; I think that’s a stuffed cat. (No, not a real stuffed cat; a stuffed animal. Sheesh. :))


LL, that would mean that you think it’s indistinguishable from a non-faked photo, which, this not being the Pit, I can’t respond to. Just look at the guy’s fingers. Talk about digitally enhanced (second time I’ve flogged that pun–will no one recognize its subtle brilliance?).

For future reference, what if I give links of a non-G that might bring down the wrath of the moderators out in a form like this:

Would that be all right? With a suitable warning as to what the content might be?

Show of hands, here… Does anyone underaged here know what “rot-13” means?

Really, though, I think that giving any instructions more specific than “use a search engine” on how to find inappropriate material is out of the question for this board. If you really want to let folks know about an inappropriate site, let them know, and interested folks can e-mail you.

Thanks, Chronos; I’m 37 and I have no idea what rot-13 means. And I know what a lot of stuff means.

that would be rotate 13

eg, each letter switched to the 13th position after it, rotating back around to A after Z.

See the example above.

That’s a cats head on a dogs body. The body just looks wrong for a cat, there are curves where there shouldn’t be and it doesnt bend the right way. I have a big white cat at home, he is as long as my leg ( I’m 6’) and weighs about 25-30 pounds, and when I pick him up he bends more.

When I was a kid, some neighbours of ours had a cat that big. They called it “Fido”. So it is possible.

haha that photo is most definitely “enhanced” as you said.

Look a little closer if the man was holding something that large there would be some kind of strain look or something in his face ya think?

It’s fake.

However, if Misty keeps eating like she currently is…
And my dear departed Fluffy (only last month…:frowning:
it’s a wonder she wasn’t twice the size of that photo!
Good GOD that cat could pack it away!

lissener–now I get it. Cute.

That picture scares me, but it looks like they pasted the picture of the cat on there. If it were real I know I’d want one though. :smiley:

The photo is clearly a joke. No cat will lay in your fully outstreched arms like that.

I don’t know whao came up with this, but if you are going to pereptrate a fraud . . DO BETTER NEXT TIME!!!