That is, I like to preview a thread with the little box that pops under the cursor. Often times it disapears on me way too fast to read. Can I change the timing of the preview some how?
Yes, you can.
Just keep your mouse over the link. Just tested this in Mozzie and IE.
Now as to the actual answer to the question, no. It’s a browser thingie.
In Safari, the preview fades after 5 - 7 seconds.
In IE, just keep moving the cursor a bit. You can keep the preview up as long as you want that way.
Firefox won’t display it at all, so you need an extension that will. The one I use doesn’t work exactly the way IE does. The popup disappears in a few seconds no matter what, and you must move the cursor a bit to redisplay it.
Toodle your mousepointer with vigor.
Opera 7 barely keeps it up there very long at all. Plus, you have to find that “sweet spot” (sweet line?) near the top of the table cell that the thread title is in; the title itself doesn’t show it. Moving the mouse pointer while keeping it in that little bitty margin is a very difficult endeavor.
That’s funny, I run Firefox without any extensions, and it works on mine.
Same here…
How many words do you get? Half a dozen or so? You get about that many lines on IE and most Firefox users have complained about that once they switched over.
You’re all correct. :smack:
Without the extension, Firefox only gives the first line.