Can I get a clarification re: "inappropriate for this discussion" in MPSIMS?

There is a thread in MPSIMS about Prince Harry defending a gay soldier from an imminent bashing, to which I posted a pretty lighthearted and barely even vulgar reply and got this moderator response from Idle Thoughts:

I’ve been posting here for 13 years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone Mod Noted for something like this in MPSIMS. I can see it in GQ, but MPSIMS is the forum most like a bunch of conversations, with diversions and such all through them.

So what’s the actual rule here? “No diversions whatsoever”? “No diversions that a mod might possibly be uptight enough to consider vulgar despite practically being suitable for Sunday School discussion”? “Zere vill be no fun een MPSIMS!”?

Help me out here.

It seems to me you got caught in Misogyny-gate. See, objectification of women is bad. And equal rights means objectification of men is also bad. Therefore comments like yours need to modded.

Obviously there are holes in that you can drive a truck through, but I bet that was what happened anyway.

Have you been hiding under a rock? Sex jokes in serious threads aren’t allowed anymore. There was a big brouhaha about it when it happened. It’s a good idea to pay attention to what happens on the board.

Because now we’re going to have yet another thread that’s going to have to be locked.

Somehow I missed all of that. Not reading the right threads, apparently.

I’m sure someone be along to explain the whole sordid thing with links to the umpteen threads it spawned but it started here:

IMO, it is too widely applied (as I suspected it would be). You just got caught up in the [del]witch-hunt[/del] dragnet. But yeah, the upshot is no fun WRT sex remarks.

And you’re especially not allowed to suggest that anyone post pictures!

Strange, though, there was a discussion of women’s panties a while back, in which I was treated to a photo without even asking. (In this post, except the page at the link there doesn’t have the picture any more.) And nobody made a fuss then. (Later in that same thread, though, the drooling lechers showed up.)

Careful… I’m not so sure your choice of words was an improvement.

That’s what she said.

I thought the whole no-misogyny thing was just for that month. You mean it’s a permanent thing??:eek:

Sweet fancy Moses! I was off the boards for a few months and missed it all.

Seeing as how the boards are almost unusable for regular activity at the moment anyway, I put on some knee high boots and waded through that shitstorm of a thread just for something to read - but 18 pages later I still had no idea why the OP here got a mod note for this joke.

If anyone else missed the memo and is interested, and wants to save themselves the same wild goose chase, I found the answer here.

I would argue that jokingly expressing a desire to see a public figure nude isn’t even in the realm of what people were complaining about originally, off topic, sexual, or not. It would be a terrible thing if all off-color humor was branded sexual harassment. I have no dog in the fight though and I’m a little late to the discussion but it seems like a bit of an overcorrection.

And that 13-page thread was only the final(?) chapter of that [del]little[/del] massive shitstorm! There were a whole passel of Pitworthy threads (mostly but not all in ATMB, and many of them lengthy) in the weeks prior to that, as well as a few other truly jaw-dropping mod calls (including one Zombie from several years ago that got resurrected just to add to the argument).

Oh the horror!

I sure am glad Misogyny-gate taught me I’m supposed to be offended by jayjay’s joke, or else that shit would have flew right under my radar.

Thank you Misogyny-gate! Learning is fun!

Mods: Since the above-linked thread by Ellen Cherry announced a new board policy (and in particular, after an extended and acrimonious debate), and since the current thread makes clear that not everybody got the memo:

Should not that thread be made sticky?

None of us who advocated for a less misogynistic culture wanted no jokes at all. The strict mod calls are a direct result of pissy posters complaining that other people are getting away with something when they’re not allowed to go into threads and post LOL BOOBS.

I hope that the irony was intentional.