No, they wouldn’t be nude pictures; that is they wouldn’t be pictures in which someone appeared sans clothing.
Rather, my dad and I are going to be getting a new puppy next week and I was thinking of sharing the Adorable Cuteness that is a puppy with my fellow Dopers. I might also put up some pictures of my rabbit.
Also, would I be correct in assuming that a thread like that would find its best home in MPSIMS?
I think it’s safe to say as long as the photos aren’t controversial in any way (i.e. disgusting, pornographic or otherwise questionable) posting links to them without prior permission is fine. And yes, I think MPSIMS would be the place for those.
Yeah, the pics as described are fine. You didn’t need permission to post a link to them, but you’ve got it anyway. Such things WOULD go into MPSIMS. Congratulations on the newest family member.
I’m feeling much better, thanks. I’ve started on antibiotic pills and I’m able to eat again and my temperature is back down to a reasonable number. AND the board is not as cranky! Now I just have to get through my email.
Is linking to nude pictures (say, a Playboy centerfold) a strict no-no? Because I did over in the Ask The Lesbian! thread–I apologize if I broke the rules.
I think that sort of thing they’d want to take on a case-by-case basis. It maybe be fine, it may not. The thing to do there, I believe, would be to email one of the forum moderators and provide them with a link to the photo in question and ask if it’s OK. Then include a note in the bottom of your post that the link was approved by moderator so-and-so, just to cover yourself.
I’ll second what Q.E.D. has said. While we have no particular objection to links to nudity per se, there’s nudity and there’s nudity. We don’t intend to write up a standard for what’s acceptable and what’s not, we just “know it when we see it.”