Can I list an open job in MPSIMS?

I once emailed TD about this and got <sniff!> no reponse, so I’ll ask it here. Real sit-down job at a real company. No fly-by-night, get rich quick by stuffing envelopes while surfing the internet and losing thirty pounds in thirty days job. But no details beyond that until I get the okee-doke from the administration! Any email received before that will be ignored!

I would NEVER ignore you – or anyone else. I do not recall seeing such email. This is the not the first time I’ve had this complaint of late, I’m starting to get really frustrated about it and I apologize for AOL’s screwup here.

If I had seen it, I would have advised you that it was very much okay to post it. While we are not a hiring hall and we don’t want someone constantly trolling the board looking for employees, a mention of a job going begging would be more than fine.

On a personal note, it’s not a gig in my part of the world, is it? Your humble is in need of real life employment. Of course it would be incredibly helpful if my future employer was cool about me reading the boards in working hours :slight_smile:

your humble TubaDiva

Which is…?

The email problem was a few months back, the last time we were thinking of hiring someone.

And, because you asked SO NICE, you would get first crack. Know ANY Autocad?

<sigh> No, I don’t know Autocad, I wish I did.

I’m in Atlanta.

your humble TubaDiva
who knows just enough computer stuff to be truly dangerous.

Sorry. Outside Chicago.

Ooh ooh! I know some Autocad! I am currently working with AutoCadLt to prepare designs, mechanical plans, etc.

And I’m in the area!

email me!!!
PLEASE!!! I’m actively looking for a new job!

And a non-psychotic girlfriend!

And camping equipment!

Good lord Mike, what DON’T you want? :smiley:


Look here.

Note the use of the phrase “entry level.” This means we aren’t willing to pay much. However, with your experience working for and selling to the stupidly rich, there might be some potential there! Maybe straight into project management… I’ll ask if they have any openings–they just hired a guy who seems to be working out fine.