My brother told me to listen to it but I got the message after the fact. I couldn’t find anything on the net. Any ideas? Thanks.
My brother told me to listen to it but I got the message after the fact. I couldn’t find anything on the net. Any ideas? Thanks.
AFAIK, Clear Channel offers some streaming, while Infinity doesn’t. If your area was affected by CC dropping Stern, you’re basically hit.
Stern has mentioned on his show that radio stations are not allowed to play his show on the internet. Sometimes stations that stream their broadcast on the net forget to turn it off during the stern show but other than these rare occations you can not get stern on the net.
It has to do with union contracts, mainly those of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA).
You can download it from the alt.binaries.howard-stern newsgroup.
Did Santos’s suggestion work?
There is a torrent file of the show on 03/05/2004. You have to have a bit torrent client installed, but it is actuall really easy. Go here and click on BitTorrent on your left-hand side. It has a small list of clients to choose from, I would start with The Shadow’s Experimental Client. Get that installed and then all you have to do is copy and paste this link into your normal web browser:
(this is the torrent of the Howard Stern Radio Show on 03/05/2004)
For some reason SDMB doesn’t display the entire web address, so if you cut and paste into your browser like I said you will get a “address not found” thingy.
So, yeah, just click on it.
Post it again, but before you submit it, unclick the box that says “Automatically Parse Links in Text.” That will turn off making it a link and the whole thing should come through.
Alternately, put it between CODE tags.