Can I read my Playboy on the train?

Today, as with every other workday, I was on the train in D.C. Normally I’m reading a book, but this morning I brought with me an issue of Pro Wrestling Illustrated.

Now, for those not familiar with pro wrestling, there are a lot of men and not many women. I mean, after all, it’s wrestling. :wink:

Which means there are plenty of photos of men in wrestling attire. LOTS of photos.

In olden times, I’d look at these photos for the gore factor, as a lot of the wrestlers would wind up bloodied and unbowed. Neato! Not so much anymore, though.

So here I am, paging through the issue, and the thought struck me: What if someone glanced over and assumed I was looking at photos of naked men? Okay, so maybe from the unenlightened crowd I’d get some disapproving glances, but most people would probably relax once they saw it was a wrestling magazine.

From that thought came this - and thus the reason for the thread title - what if I were actually looking at pictures of naked men? Or, in my case, what if it were photos of naked women?

If it were a really raunchy magazine like Club, I think I’d be perfectly embarrassed to be reading it in public. Perfectly.

But Playboy’s not quite that bad. Yep, has naked chicks in it. Has a LOT of great articles, too, though. Truth is, the articles can often be better than the photos.

So what if I were reading Playboy? Would anything beyond “disapproving glances” result? That is, could someone actually complain to the proper authorities that I was reading it in public?

Just something that’s been bugging me.

No, they could not. You’re fine.

Well, sure they can. Anyone can complain to anyone about anything. Whether anything could or would be done about it is another matter, and this case, I’d say, no, it wouldn’t.

Further expanding, thoug, anyone in a position of authority might do something stupid. So, yes, someone can complain. And yes, the conductor might ask you to put it away, and take action if you argue with him. Perhaps ultimately you’d be vindicated, but that may be down the line.

Well, that’s true - anyone can complain. So let’s go to the next step. Assuming that jurisdictions may vary, are there laws against the casual perusal of such magazines in public? Does anyone know of places where this is simply not allowed?

Can I read my Playboy on the train?

You know I’m just dying to give a snappy answer to this. Just dying I tell ya. :smiley:

For those who DO actually read Playboy, ever so often they run a letter from a reader who is asked to put their playboy away on a plane/train etc.

The end result is basically what was said above…you can argue about your rights, they own the plane/train so they have a decided leverage in the situation. The end result is usually a series of letters back and forth where it is all decided to be no foul…weeks after it is all said and done.

So they can’t arrest me! They can ask me to put it away, which I would. But ha ha ha! They can’t arrest me! They can take away my boobies, but they can’t take away my freedom!

Well, since the GQ has been effectively answered, I say “go for it!” :smiley:

I was discussing an article (no, really!) out of Playboy to my girlfriend once in a nice restaurant in Los Angeles. No naked pictures were in sight and I wasn’t holding up the centerfold, but a waitress came over to me and said another patron had complained, and would I put that thing away. I said, no, I wouldn’t, call the cops if you want, and guess how much your tip will be? She wouldn’t tell me which patron, and there was no one at adjacent tables, so someone really had a problem.

It sounds like this may call for an experiment. However, based on the reactions I saw to a disheveled gentleman carrying a copy of High Society on the bus this week at 8:30am, you can certainly count on a number of disapproving glances and a lot more personal space when you sit down for your commute and crack open Playboy.

Doesn’t seem fair to penalize the waitress for that, though. She was only doing as bade by the irritated customer.

Anyway, the GQ still remains - or a variant of it, anyway: Are there any extant laws that prohibit reading such material in public? I don’t mean store/restaurant/plane policy, I mean actual laws that are enforced by police.

It probably comes down to social mores, anyway.

Just slip your Playboy in between the opened pages of TIME or some other innocuous-looking magazine. :smiley: From a distance most people would think nothing of it.

She insisted I had to put it away BECAUSE of a customer complaint. She could have told the customer it was none of his business, but she didn’t. If we hadn’t already dug into the food, I would have walked out, refusing to pay for it, but I didn’t think that was right. She represented the restaurant and their policy, and she should take the consequences. She thought one customer’s desire to NOT let me read was more important then my desire to read (and remember, no naked pictures were in evidence, so the only problem was in the other customer’s mind).

If I could have left a negative tip, I would have done so.

What I want to know is are you riding the train as in the MARC or VRE, or are you on the metro. Cause if you’re on the MARC I’ll come join you! :smiley:

On a more serious note I would say that if you were reading it on the MARC they wouldn’t say much if anything to you since people drink all the time going home and most people on the train don’t pay attention anyway.

Well, of course she did it because of a complaint. Why else would she? It wouldn’t be her place to do so on her own - she’s beholden to the patrons and to her manager. Which means she’s really caught in the middle for junk like that. Now, I don’t know if she was pushy about it, but if she was, I’d tend to agree with you to an extent. If she came over and just asked me to put it away because another patron had whined, I might humor her and do so because she asked nicely.

Yeah, MARC and VRE (as well as Amtrak, I would think) are a whole 'nuther thing. Nope, this was Metro, which is a lot more… intimate. I can’t afford to ride MARC.

yes. you may read playboy on the train.

I’ve seen it done. The man got a couple of raised eyebrows, but that was all.

I once saw an older man (55-60+) reading some (fairly explicit) gay porn on the Metra in Chicago. Creeped me out!