Can I start a thread in Cafe Society with this title?
Yaba dabba do you frackin cocksuckers!
The topic would be made up words, modified words, and words way overused in tv series. This comes from the Flintstones, BSG, and Deadwood. Stuff like that. Also I just think the thread title is funny.
I thought of titling this thread that then thought well maybe not
That would be properly spelled “Yabba Dabba Doo,” you know.
I don’t think that it’s against the rules; we have “fucking” in thread titles occasionally, though it’s mostly in the Pit. There is, perhaps, an expectation of those who surf from work that Cafe Society reading might be largely free of profanity, so I advise against it. Maybe you could say “cockpluckers.” That sounds horrifying without being vulgar.
Twix and Marley might feel differently, though; maybe they’ll weigh in.