Can Mike Huckabee win the GOP nomination and the presidency?

A 1994 article? Really? They want order and justice, which were Nixon’s code words for the Southern strategy? They’re old school Democrats, which is code for the type of Democrat squeezed out of the party and gleefully taken up by Southern Republicans to form the Red States? They’re thankfully dying off but we should listen to them?

Never mind. I’m still wondering why someone would join a message board to tell us that the country should be run based on the opinions of a couple of insane bigots. Not his own opinions. Heaven forfend. Other peoples’ opinions. Why indeed?

^There attitudes are exactly why the Democrats have been getting creamed in Congressional and state-level races. The simple fact is without them the Democrats are never going to achieve anything approaching a national majority outside of the Presidency.

I’m not agreeing with them. However, it’s important to listen to all opinions. These people are fed up and if things don’t change, they may take things in their own hands - at the ballot box.

From what illusion, exactly?

It’s also important to tell them their ideas and outlook are fucking stupid, especially when armed with out of date blathering on YouTube.

Not all, no. The “friends” you describe are as properly dismissible as Communists or Anarchists or Libertarians or White Nationalists or Scientologists.

See post #71.

They voted for Giuliani in 1989 (Giuliani lost to David Dinkins in '89), 1993, 1997. They voted for Bloomberg in 2001, 2005, 2009. They won. They voted for Joe Lhota against Bill de Blasio in 2013. Lhota lost in a landslide. That crushed them. They see leadership. I believe that they are swing voters.

None of that answers the question. Disilluisioned from what illusion, exactly?

Affirmative action, maybe integration in the military.

While we’re discussing this, it is good that we are having a good, principled discussion about these issues about race, religion, sociology, etc. It’s important.

You’ve said that it’s a whopping two of your friends who have these opinions. How exactly are you extrapolating from two people into concluding that they’re a majority, silent or otherwise? (Or is it that you have a grand total of three friends, which would make a pair a hefty majority?)

I hear people at work saying the things my friends say. I heard my professor say bigoted and vicious things about minorities. It’s a silent majority who are thinking about the future of the country. I’m not part of them.

Just FYI, the non-bigots out there are also thinking about the future of the country. Actually, considering that one of things you’ve said these friends are so upset about is …

…which started all the way back in 1948, I’d say this “silent majority” is mostly obsessing over the past

Good for you, but, they’re not a majority. See post #71.

Just accept it.

Neither of those are in any conceivable sense illusions, so, the question remains – your friends are “disillusioned” from what “illusion”?


Is this one those “my friend has a dick rash, what do you advice me, I mean him?” kind of thread?

Why not? I mean, you think your friends are patriots who want to restore honor to the military. Don’t you like honor? Don’t you want to respect the military? Aren’t you a patriot? Why don’t you believe what your friends believe, Glory?

Clearly the problem here is that bigots are discriminated against, not like it used to be. Used to be a bigot could stand up and speak his mind without fear of discrimination. What has America come to? :wink: