I was wondering if parents could force children to go to church or temple, specifically in Illinois.
How many kids do you think actually want to be in church?
I’m pretty sure they can. At least as much as parents can force their kids to do anything. I’d say there’s certainly no law that prevents parents from making their kids attend church, if that’s what you’re hoping for.
Look on the bright side – they can’t force you to actually believe anything.
I did.
OP, sure they can. Just like they can force you to brush your teeth before bedtime and practice the piano.
What about prosecutions of parents for Christian Science refusal of children’s medical treatment or JW refusal of transfusion?
Are you sure that reads like you meant it to?
Such prosecutions are illegal in most states now. See this site for more information than I can give without hijacking this thread.
Re: the OP, yes, in the state of Illinois, unless you are an emancipated minor or over the age of 18, your parents can employ non-abusive means to get you to go to church. Obviously, if they are hitting you or otherwise abusing you to get you there, they can and should be reported for child abuse, but it is those actions, not the taking you to church part, that are illegal.
If the church has an active and dynamic children’s ministry, where the cirriculum is at their level without patronizing them; where the children’s minister and adult sponsors are copen and caring; and where they have fun and feel like they’re welcome and accepted, then I’d say most of the kids there want to be there.
~~HeyHomie, who is never too ashamed to pimp his church’s children’s ministry.