Can you haiku?

The chicken is browned,
the potatoes, touched with chives.
Oh! Asparagus.

Dinner, almost done,
September evening, cloudy.
Where is my husband?

I will wait for him.
Patient, like winter’s quiet.
I am a good wife.

Ice on rink floor now
Hockey season is soon here
Winter tailgates rock

I was going to comment on this, too. What makes a haiku is not the 5-7-5 syllable pattern, but that it’s terse, and that it relates particularly to one season of the year. In fact, if you pad extra words in to make something fit the 5-7-5 pattern, you’re making it less of a haiku, since it’s then less terse.

Actually, I think that traditional haiku are also supposed to be judged by the aesthetic effect of the characters themselves on the page, but of course this works very differently in English.

And just so this post isn’t a total waste,

The chill is in the air
Cottonwoods turn brown and shed
No red maple leaves

Delicate flowers,
Improper haiku wither
Beneath scornful frost.

I knew someone would show up to point out what proper haiku are, so I decided to make a preemptive strike.

Proper haiku prose
Posters must point out, correct
Where’s the fun in that?

It seems to me that
Sarah Palin is haiku
friendly, don’t ya know?

I can only take
seventeen syllables at
a time about her

Summer has since gone.
Now its Friggin cold outside.
Hence I miss the heat.

Is that right, hikau nazis? :dubious:

Mojave Desert
Still has triple digit heat
Quit yer complainin’

Haikus are super
I really love haiku threads
I wish we had more

Nicely done Queen! I like it. :slight_smile:

I start to complain
Queen Bruin smacks me around
I guess she showed me

Monday Night Football
The Packers looked pretty good
Too bad for the Vikes

Time to go to sleep
Too much beer and nachos
Tuesday will be rough

I bitch about heat
Dopers say, “STFU”
A common complaint

I like it here but
I miss Colorado snow
And my family

Now, that is just sad
I feel bad that you miss them.
Its really not cold…

Oakland Raiders Suck.
Broncos Football is the best.
It had to be said.

autumn comes quickly
at the computer I sit
new at doper board

There was an old man
From Peru, whose lim’ricks all
Look’d like haiku. He

Said with a laugh “I
Cut them in half, the pay is
Much better for two.”

Haikus are easy
But they don’t always make sense

Damn, that’s excellent!
Is it your original?
Either way, it’s great.

I’m not really sure
Am I doing this right here
or just wild guessing?

Good and funny, yes;
Original? Not a bit -
Rather like autumn. :cool:

Dude, you joined in June -
Four hundred posts ev’ry month?
Time you got a life!