Best Haiku ever? You decide...

For a lark the other night I bought my girlfriend a card. I’d browsed through the racks of cards that had sayings on them…and nothing at ALL caught my eye (I’m starting to think that Hallmark has one writer that is kept locked in a room like Ruprecht from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels). Anyways, I found a card that was blank inside and wrote her a short sweet note…and ended it with this. ( She digs watching the Three Stooges BTW)…Oh, and the ‘gay’ remark isn’t a condemnation…just an observation that we chuckled about.

Here’s the Haiku that ended the card:

Gay Joe and Shemp suck
Curly is a Stooges god
woo, woo, woo, woo woo…


Let’s see you make one better!

I’m moving this thread
To Cafe Society

Feh. I’ve seen better.

:smiley: Nice.

at a particularly cathartic moment in therapy, I penned a personal classic:

fetid fecal pool
steaming and hot, like coffee
slop it on my mom

Some moderators
Aren’t fit to run a whelk stall:
But Czarcasm rocks! :cool:

This starts with five beats
then grows slightly to seven
returning to five.
How profound.

Meta haiku. Wow.
Who’da thunk it possible?
But you read it here.

I dig haiku threads,
They give me something to do
With my brain at work.

To write a poem
In seventeen syllables
Is very diffi-

There are so many
good poets here at SD-
MB it’s quite fun!

Bad Beatles haiku:

I am the eggman
They are also the eggmen
I am the walrus

Even worse Beatles haiku:

Lucy in the Sky
Oh no, anti-aircraft guns!
This may be the end……

For the triskaidekaphobes:

one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten e-
-leven twelve thirteen

Boy my mind works in odd ways……
Boycott Wonka Bars
Oompa-Loompa slave labor
Tastes like oppression.

What a name to give
A lovely type of poem
Haiku? Gesundheit!

“‘Gay’ remark?” What are you referring to?


Theodore Sturgeon
was right: 90 percent of
everything is crap

Bow before the genius of my haiku! Someday I will embroider the above on a sampler, country-style, and frame it. I think that would be hilarious.

One for hexako-

although I seldom
wear coverings on my head
my hat’s off to you