Haiku thread

I didn’t see anything saying this wasn’t allowed, but if it’s not, I apologize and will let a Mod remove/close it.

I’m sure most of you have heard of Haiku somewhere along the line. It’s a poetic style of Japanese origin that has three lines; the first and third have 5 syllables each, the second line has 7. I happen to love them because they can say so much yet are short and sweet.

That being said, here’s my submission:

The Oreos are
calling my name from inside
the kitchen pantry.


A whistling wingbeat
The wind’s voice: rhythmic, reedy
A dove overhead

My scrotum itches
tingling, annoying itch
Scratching sweet relief

Yay! Keep 'em coming.

Why should Jews survive?
What are your local crazies?
Cast Helen of Troy

Why does the workday
drag on so relentlessly?
I want to go home.

I’m kinda hungry
but my jeans fit too snugly
damn last week’s baked goods!

Plugging away like
a robot without a life;
I need a new job.

Don’t pretend to be
something you’re not because I
can see right through you.

baby in my belly
kicking like a pissed off mule
Ouch, I say. please stop!

Sorry, officer,
I didn’t even know my
truck could go that fast.

Anyone can write
a haiku, you just stop at
seventeen sylla

Okay, not very original. :rolleyes:

This one I just wrote:

Designing websites
Takes far too long to complete.
I wish I was done.

And this one is one I made long ago to use 3 of the unrhymable words in English:

I had an orange
That was the color purple.
It was a slow month.


Another one:

It makes me waste so much time.
I’m thankful for it!


(Is I’m one syllable or two?)

Drew Barrymore’s hot
Pity she’s so stupid though
I’ll take Lucy Liu

(Sorry, I’ve got Charlie’s Angels on TV in the background as I browse tonight. It’s pretty bad.)

I’ll try Haiku.

First and last syllables do what?

It’s a poetic style of Japanese origin that has three lines; the first and third have 5 syllables each, the second line has 7.

Falling hard for Spring
Cold, Fever and Everything
There’s spring in my hair.

In English it is just three short lines, regardless of syllable length.

The real beauty
Has to stand between
Two artificial ones.

I saw this thread here
Made me want to contribute
I contributed.

It is almost six
in the morning, please tell me
why I am still up!

is anyone willing
to continue this story?
Once upon a time…