Can you help me identify this... image?

Where is the following image from? I’m guessing it’s some comedy show.
Sorry if this is a weird question, but I figured this would be a good place to ask, considering how Straight Dope readers are so smart and savvy. // End sucking-up. :wink:

Hope someone here knows.
Thanks for your time.

Well, they’re all using a Nintendo DS Lite, and they all have mustaches that are entirely reminiscent of Mario Mario.

Yes, I know “they” are also all the same person.

I would guess it’s a commercial, from Japan, for the Nintendo DS.

In fact, it was a commercial for Mario Kart DS, and was lauding the ability to play the game over wireless internet… the full commercial is at

Thank you so much for the answer and for the link to the commercial! My mind is at ease now.