Can you snap your fingers?

My fingers are defective; I can’t do it with either hand. I’ve tried and tried, I’ve done research and had instruction but my fingers just don’t do it. I know I’m not the only one!

I used to be able to snap the fingers on my dominant hand only. Age and a couple of injuries have stopped that though.

I can snap the fingers of both hands.

Can snap both ring and middle fingers of both hands … I must also be defective.

Both, but it’s much louder on my left hand. I am right-handed.

Of course. I’m hip.

Oh, the shark bites…{snap, snap} with his teeth dear…{snap}…


Got one snap in my whole life. I can do the motion, but there’s no sound. I don’t even know what is supposed to make the sound.

Unevenly, and it depends on how dry my fingers are, but I can do it with both hands.

The sound comes from your middle finger smacking hard against your palm.

It’s one of the things for which I’m definitely left-handed.

Both hands, much to the consternation of some righties I know who can’t even do so with their right hand.

Now, this is a better question. Is there an overlap between which fingers you can/can’t snap and managing those silly vulcan greetings? I can do that with both hands too, though the reverse greeting with my right hand takes a lot more effort and is sloppier.

Unlike the other righties here, I can do it with both, but not quite as well with the left.

Y’know, looking back over this thread, and taking some of these responses out of context… :smiley:

I can do this as well - pinkies, too. I can make a sort of drumroll snapping pinky, ring & middle finger one one hand and then on the other.

Up there with thule and Panurge. Can’t snap so well with my pinky fingers, but can definitely do the drum roll snap with the middle and ring fingers of both hands.

I try not to snap my fingers too often because the servants think I’m summoning them. I’ll have a short window to try it tomorrow since it’s Christmas and I granted each of them 15 minutes off to be with their families.

I can also snap those three fingers on both hands. My index finger just slides down my thumb. My pinkies are not that loud though.

I was an adult when I learned how to snap my fingers, so there’s still hope for those who haven’t learned yet.

I can only do my dominant hand, BTW. My left hand is uncooperative.

Took me to my late teens but yes, both hands.

(Properly whistling, OTOH, took decades…)

Oh wow I may not know what the passive voice is but I can damn well snap both fingers!