Can you suggest some visually creative music videos?

Something like this:

I need to fill up the mobile with some interesting stuff for the long trips.

I have this collection by Spike Jonze, Chris Cunningham, and Michel Gondry. There’s some amazing stuff in there.

The original visually creative music video is Take On Me. It’s a little dated now, but it’s worth a watch. Such Great Heights is also pretty good.

Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer always comes to mind.

Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai, perhaps?

(Second try…control and shift are too damn close to each other…)

Since I can never pass up a chance to pimp my girl Tommy…a bit of linkspam, yay!

Tommy february6 - MaGic in youR Eyes
Tommy february6 - Bloomin’!
Tommy heavenly6 - Wait 'Till I Can Dream
Tommy heavenly6 - +gothic pink+
Tommy heavenly6 - Heavy Starry Chain (Would have stuck to two, like I did with Tommy february6, but I felt I should include the changeover between the two personae, and couldn’t chose between ‘generaly atmospheric’ and ‘Snow White meets some vampires’…)

There are a few more standard videos under both those names, but also many more wonderfully out there videos…

Start from the foundation: “Cry,” by Godley & Creme.

Oh, and you can’t go wrong with Buddy Holly or Keep Fishing by Weezer, and OK Go’s Here It Goes Again.

Offspring - The Kids Aren’t Allright

I see Michel Gondry has already been mentioned, he is a kind of visual savant. This early effort is particularly good. Not sure about the music (I don’t hate it), but I love the visuals.

This was the exact DVD collection I immediately thought of. It’s the epitome of the OP, and well worth the money!

Cibo Matto “Sugar Water” and “Know Your Chicken”.

OK Go!'s video for “This Too Shall Pass” is an amazing, one-take rube-goldberg style theatrics to hit beats perfectly in the song.

Wow, also End Love is amazing too… in a more ‘up-to-date’ Sledgehammer style of stop motion… they really seem to play off frame rates and make it a meticulously crafted beast, where they even planned to spend the night (while the song goes into “when you’re hiding in the dark, no one’s gonna find ya”). Too cool.

OK Go just loves to create technically interesting and creative videos (though, for me, their music is hit and miss).

Matt Kresling’s Seventeen

The Canadian singer named Lights, who I love so very, very much, makes some interesting videos.

In the OK Go! vein, Second Go was shot in one take.

Ice has her kicking her evil side’s ass :smiley:

Saviour is very cool.

Incidentally, everything you hear in her songs is her.

Missed the edit window!

Before Lights got signed to her record deal, she made her own videos, designing and building the sets and props herself: Drive My Soul and the sequel, February Air.

All of M ss ng P eces’s videos are pretty great, but I really love their latest for Surfer Hymn.

I love love love this video Apache by Danger Beach. Cute animation.

The Beastie Boys’ Fight For Your Right (Revisted) is pretty funny and clocks about a half hour… though I guess it’s not really a music video exactly.

Classic flying dogs and lasers by pleix.

An oldie but goodie: The Cars, You Might Think I’m Crazy.

AFAIK, the original “visually creative” music video.

Coldplay’s Strawberry Swing is pretty amazing.