Canada to allow gay Syrian refugees

The Canadian government has decided to allow single male refugees to apply to come to Canada if they can identify as gay, bi or transgender.
Huh? Wtf!

Now I can understand somewhat their reasoning for this decision, but what really throws me is how these single guys are going to prove that they are something other than heterosexual.

I can just see it now when word gets out in the camps, all these straight guys will be grabbing their buddies, "hey, Mohamed, let’s be gay for a day".

But really, if you are from Syria, and are gay, bi or trans, that is something that up until now has been a deep, dark secret. So how do the screeners and interviewers decide who is legit and who is faking it?

Remember this simple rule: the bias in most immigration law is to keep people out. If someone claims something that can’t be verified, it’s a pretty safe bet that no credible information will result in either more investigations or rejection. These processes aren’t a criminal trial where the government has the burden of proof. On the face of it, I’m not sure why proving someone is homosexual is any different than proving they are of a particular religion. You ask questions of the applicants, ask the same questions of their friends, family, neighbors, employers, whatever. See if the answers add up to a convincing story.

Looking at Canadian government statistics, the waiting time for the asylum process ranges from 9 months to almost five years, depending on how an applicant is referred.

I’m wondering if their plan is simply that anybody who’s willing to commit to being gay is by that very definition never going to have anything to do with Islamic terrorists, with the counter-question being, how desperate are the terrorists to plant a deep-cover mole in Canada?

They’re letting gay refugees in because gays are at even higher risk of violence against them. Straight refugees won’t pretend to be gay because gays are at even higher risk of violence against them. Probably, even with this offer, most actual gay refugees will still be afraid to admit it.

Reminds me of a whole bunch of jokes from back in the Vietnam-war draft-lottery era. (Back then, the US military did not draft gay people.) Even made a movie about that, I seem to recall.